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Funeral honors U.S. Marshal killed in Charlotte shooting

Funeral honors U.S. Marshal killed in Charlotte shooting


Deputy U.S. Marshal Thomas Weeks was one of four men killed when a suspect opened fire on officers on duty in east Charlotte.

CHARLOTTE, N.C. Family and friends gathered Monday to say goodbye to Deputy U.S. Marshal Thomas Weeks, a week after he and three others were killed while serving arrest warrants in the East from Charlotte.

The 13-year veteran of the U.S. Marshals Service was one of four men killed while serving an arrest warrant at an east Charlotte home on April 29. Five other officers were injured in the incident, including three Charlotte-Mecklenburg police officers. The suspect, a convicted felon with a lengthy criminal history throughout North Carolina, was killed during the standoff.

Monday's service included several speakers who knew Weeks well, including two deputy U.S. marshals who served alongside him in North Carolina. Attorney General Merrick Garland also spoke, paying tribute to Weeks' courage in the face of danger on the day he was killed.

Kelly Weeks also addressed the huge crowd, telling everyone that her family was overwhelmed by the outpouring of support following the death of her husband.

“He was a loving father. Not only to his children but also to his stepchildren. He loved everything from watching Patrick while he played, to goodnight hugs and 'I love yous' to Abby.” , Weeks said.

DONATE NOW: How to help families of fallen officers in Charlotte

Weeks, 48, lived in Mooresville. He was part of the Carolinas Regional Fugitive Task Force. He spent the last 10 years of his career in Charlotte. Before joining the U.S. Marshals Service, he spent eight years in Customs and Border Protection.

Throughout Monday's service, Weeks' colleagues and his wife mentioned how he was an avid sports fan who loved his home state of Maryland. He was a huge hockey fan and loved the Washington Capitals. Kelly Weeks joked that her husband would have been thrilled for his celebration of life to take place where the Checkers play their home games.

Garland, who did not know Weeks personally, used his time at the podium to praise the courageous law enforcement officers who served on the U.S. Marshals task force, saying Monday's shooting is a reminder of how their work is dangerous.

“On April 29, Tommy made the ultimate sacrifice,” Garland said. “Their deaths are a stark reminder of the enormous risk our law enforcement officers face every day, even when making the relatively routine arrests they make every day. Every day, our law enforcement officers go to work knowing that day could be their last. Every day their families send them to work praying that this won’t happen.”

“I don't think words describe the amount of pain that the Marshals Service and all of its members are feeling, the court family, law enforcement in general, this community and communities across the country,” said the director of the US Marshals Service, Ronald Davis. .

He is survived by his wife and four children. Weeks' body was escorted to Mooresville last week. Large crowds gathered along the road to pay their respects to a fallen hero.

“I get very emotional when something like this happens,” one man said. “I cried like a baby. It's sad. They have the hardest job in the world. They go to work and never know if they're going to come home.”

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Funeral services were held Friday for Charlotte-Mecklenburg Police Department Officer Joshua Eyer.

A memorial service for Task Force Officer Alden Elliott is planned for Thursday, May 9 at the Tarlton Complex on the campus of Catawba Valley Community College, located at 2540 Highway 70 SE in Hickory. The service is scheduled to begin at 6 p.m.




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