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Meet Lynn Whitfield and Brian Gibson’s Daughter Grace, Learn About Her Hollywood Career


Award-winning actress Lynn Whitfield and her director ex-husband Brian Gibson share a beautiful daughter named Grace Gibson who fell in love with her parents’ career and followed in their footsteps.

After Lynn Whitfield’s fantastic performance of her role in “The Josephine Baker” directed by her ex-husband BrianGibson, which won the pair an Emmy Award, they decided to take their friendship to another level. In 1990, the couple walked down the aisle.

Soon after sealing the deal, their adorable daughter, Gracewas born, but it didn’t take long for the marriage to fall apart.

Lynn Whitfield at

Lynn Whitfield at the first “Greenleaf” Season 3 Q&A on August 28, 2018. | Photo: Getty Images

For the star of “The Josephine Baker”, it was not a pleasant experience. She had to take care of her daughter as a single mother while pursuing a career that seemed to be deteriorating.

In 1995, she explainedthat having a daughter is pricelessYears later, Grace vindicated her mother by making her proud as she gradually found her way into the movie industry.

On Grace’s IG page, fans can see that mother and daughter are very close. While they may have unseen moments behind closed doors to express their affections, the young actress lovingly shows her admiration for her mom online. In 2017, after sharing a moment on the red carpet of her and Whitfield, shewrote:

“From creating a lasting career for herself from scratch to elevating myself as a single mom while supporting this career … I love you forever, my turn or die BFF and my.”

She concluded by stating that Whitfield is her inspiration. Last year the same Instagram account shared a cute image of the duo as they attended an event. This time theypaired in the same clothes and looked breathtakingly gorgeous.

Regarding her acting career, she hasfeatured in movies like “Black Nativity”, “Unsolved: The Murders of Tupacand the Notorious BIG” and “All Eyez on Me”, a biopic about Tupac Shakur where she portrayed singer Faith Evans.

She once said that she would forever be apologetic to the trolls who judge her for her marriage to Gibson.

Grace may have followed in her parents’ footsteps, but she also expressed her love for fashion and music in creative ways. In one of her Instagram posts, she showed off a swaying model behavior colorful pieces and sensual makeup. In 2018, she shared a photo of herself dressed in a classic assembly with a guitar.

The “All Eyez on Me” star then asked her fans if they were interested in listening to her music as she had several songs that have yet to be released. According to her,

“I have never released any of the music I write … Who would love to hear my music?”

Whitfield has starred in several productions, including comedy and tragedy. She brilliantly brings her roles to life in each feature film. Her the explanation for this is that she enjoys seeing people express their emotions in different ways.

Over the years, she has proven herself worthy of the fans’ love. This is due to excellent performance and his unadorned personality. When it comes to defending her choices, she goes for it.

She once said that she would be forever without excuse to the trolls who judge her for marrying Gibson because he’s white and she’s black.

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