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A fireball falls from the New Jersey sky, days after an eclipse and an earthquake

A fireball falls from the New Jersey sky, days after an eclipse and an earthquake


A bright fireball was seen falling from the night sky over New Jersey early Wednesday, capping off an eventful week of natural phenomena in the region following Monday's solar eclipse and last week's earthquake.

The fireball, which many say was a meteor or falling star, was captured on video lighting up dark skies in several New Jersey cities.

The American Meteor Society, which allows contributors to report on “fireballs,” reported dozens of sightings around 3:45 a.m., with sightings recorded across the Garden State as well as in parts of some parts of Connecticut, New York and Pennsylvania.

A bright fireball was seen falling from the night sky over New Jersey early Wednesday, capping off an eventful week of natural phenomena in the region following Monday's solar eclipse and last week's earthquake. (Michelle Griffiths)

Mysterious fireballs were seen streaking across the California sky

Doorbell camera video captured by Melville, New Jersey, resident Michelle Griffith shows the moment a flash of light lights up the sky, Fox 5 reports. The fireball is filmed for only a few seconds and expands as it falls before disappearing.

Several reports said that witnesses saw a “bright green ball” falling from the sky.

Another New Jersey resident in Wall Township posted security footage of herself on a local Facebook page showing the bright light falling at the same time.

One commenter in the group was convinced the fireball was a meteorite.

“The meteorite. Due to its high iron, magnesium and nickel content, it tends to burn green when it burns in the atmosphere,” the woman wrote.

“Beautiful!” another wrote. “I've seen one or two of these over the years. Great catch!”

The meteorite appeared less than two days after a solar eclipse. In this image, the Moon covers most of the Sun as it approaches the total solar eclipse on April 8, as seen from the summit of Saddleback Mountain, April 8, 2024, near Rangeley, Maine. (AP Photo/Robert F. Bukaty)

Eye injuries after a solar eclipse after the phenomenon

The sightings come about a week before the Lyrids Meteor Shower begins.

The Lyrid meteor shower, which peaks in late April, is one of the oldest known meteor showers and has been observed for 2,700 years, according to NASA. This happens when dust particles fall from comet C/1861 G1 Thatcher, which has been around for a long time.

Wednesday's views came on the heels of Monday's solar eclipse, which reached more than 90% coverage in parts of the state.

A string of fiery lights were seen streaking across the night sky in California last week. (@Joeys_Vibe via Spectee via Reuters)


Last Friday, a 4.8 magnitude earthquake struck near Lebanon, New Jersey, about 45 miles west of New York City and 50 miles north of Philadelphia, according to the U.S. Geological Survey (USGS).

Meanwhile, last week in California, skygazers were stunned when they saw a streak of bright fiery lights streaming across the clear night sky.

A US Space Command spokesperson later told Fox News Digital that the fire shower was from a Chinese Shenzhou 15 orbital module rocket that was scheduled to re-enter Earth's atmosphere near Los Angeles.

Michael Dorgan is a writer for Fox News Digital and Fox Business.

You can send tips to [email protected] and follow him on Twitter @M_Dorgan.




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