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USGS: An earthquake has been reported in San Diego County, Southern California

USGS: An earthquake has been reported in San Diego County, Southern California


The USGS reported a 3.8 magnitude earthquake at 9:08 a.m. about 8 miles northeast of the Borrego Springs area.

SAN DIEGO COUNTY, Calif. — A mild earthquake shook the arid eastern reaches of San Diego County on Saturday.

The 3.8-magnitude quake struck at 9:08 a.m. about 8 miles northeast of Borrego Springs, according to the U.S. Geological Survey.

The La Quinta, Coachella and Palm Desert areas of Riverside County were also affected by the quake, officials said.

Tips before, during and after an earthquake

How can an ordinary person protect themselves from such a strong earthquake?

The City of San Diego has published a list detailing what you can do before, during and after an earthquake.

Identify safe areas in your home and eliminate hazards such as loose items on the walls. Prepare a disaster kit that contains water, food, and emergency supplies. Make sure everyone knows who to contact and where to go if you break up. If you're indoors, get down on the floor, cover your head and neck, and hold on to the leg of a table or desk so it doesn't slide away from you. If you are outside, stay away from buildings, trees, street lights, and public places. Power lines. If you are in a vehicle, park away from those same objects and avoid bridges. Check your home for damage and stop any fires or gas leaks that may occur. Wear long pants, long-sleeved shirts, sturdy shoes, and work gloves to protect yourself from hazardous debris. Be prepared for aftershocks.

What would happen if a 6.9 magnitude earthquake hit San Diego?

If a 6.9-magnitude earthquake occurred along the Rose Canyon Fault, which mirrors the path taken by I-5 from La Jolla to downtown, it could cause an estimated $38 billion in damage with up to 800 deaths.

This exact scenario was analyzed in a 2020 report by the Earthquake Engineering Research Institute.

Such an earthquake would be tied for the 13th most powerful earthquake to ever hit California. Another 6.9-meter earthquake in the state struck the Bay Area in 1989, causing $10 billion in damage, injuring 3,753 people and killing 63.

In fact, one 2015 study by the Southern California Earthquake Center said there was a 75% chance of a magnitude 7 earthquake hitting Southern California by 2045.

“We can't predict earthquakes,” said Dr. Pat Abbott, professor emeritus of geology at San Diego State University. “But geologically, we are behind what we estimate to be 7.8 magnitude in the Salton Sea.”

However, if such a devastating earthquake hits the region, the damage would still be much less than what just happened in Turkey. Successive earthquakes – one with a magnitude of 7.8 and the other with a magnitude of 7.5 – killed at least 11,000 people.

“California will not receive the same level of devastation,” Dr. Abbott said. “I'm not saying we'll see devastation… but widespread building collapse, no.”

Related: Why a Disaster Toolkit Will Help You Survive the Next Big Disaster | Earthquake ready or not

RELATED: Northridge earthquake 30 years later | What has changed?

Watch back: Aerial views of the 1994 Northridge earthquake damage




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