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Funseekers announces senior tours | News, Sports, Jobs

Funseekers announces senior tours |  News, Sports, Jobs


WEIRTON — The Funseeker's Club met April 3 at Undo's Restaurant in Weirton.

President Cathy DiBenedetto opened the meeting and introduced guest Loraine Mercer.

Those whose birthday or anniversary was in April were recognized and members in need of prayer were noted.

Joann Bugin opened the meeting with a short reading from “I’m Sure God Knows.” She then led the recitation of the pledge and the singing of “God Bless America.”

Dinner was served to the 54 members present. Entertainment was provided by Chelsea Householder, who performed a selection of vintage country and gospel music.

DiBenedetto reported that the brown bag auction held in March raised nearly $300 for the Treasury. She thanked auctioneer Johnny Balzano for running the auction.

DiBenedetto asked for member feedback regarding the previous meeting held at the Breakfast Club. Those present said they were satisfied with the menu and the quality of service. After discussion, it was voted to alternate Funseeker meetings between the two restaurants. It was announced that the May 1 meeting would take place at the Breakfast Club.

The treasury and secretarial reports were read and approved.

Tour Director Regina Truax reviewed upcoming tours, including: “Footloose,” in Lincoln Park, May 5; Pittsburgh Pirates, $10 Meal Ticket, June 9; Meeting with the Ark, Creation Museum, dinner cruise on a river boat, from June 12 to 14; Donny Osmond, Capitol Theatre, June 18; Sugarcreek, June 21; “Titanic,” in Lincoln Park, dinner at Connie’s Corner, June 30; Hartville, July 26; Beach Boys, Capitol Theatre, dinner at Mehlman's Restaurant, September 21; Rock and Roll Doo Wop, Capitol Theatre, October 5; Nashville Opryland Country Christmas, three nights at the Gaylord Opryland Hotel, riverboat cruise, shows and some meals, December 1-4. For more information about senior visits, contact Truax at (304) 723-0419. All tours are accessible to the public.

The end of the meeting was dedicated to the presentation of prizes to Funseekers members. Joann Bugin won the 50/50 draw.

Door prizes for the month of April were presented by Joann Llewellyn to the following members: Carl Truax, Les Stuckmeyer, Mary Margaret Klepadlo, Donna Balzano, Terry Mamula, Mike Rowland, Ray Dalfonso, Chuck Bugin, Sandy Leone and Carol Wisnieski.

Cancel gift certificates were awarded to Mark Lewis and Elizabeth Shipe. The door prizes for the month of May were presented by Rose Chappano, Roberta Antinone and Donna Balzano.

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