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Further increases in memory prices have been blamed on the Taiwan earthquake, but the spikes were occurring months in advance, and the major manufacturers are not based in Taiwan.

Further increases in memory prices have been blamed on the Taiwan earthquake, but the spikes were occurring months in advance, and the major manufacturers are not based in Taiwan.


TrendForce reports that major players in the memory space, including Micron, Samsung, and Western Digital, are all announcing price hikes for their memory products. The reasons behind the price hikes vary from manufacturer to manufacturer, with the recent Taiwan earthquake receiving at least some of the blame. Micron's production facilities were damaged during the earthquake, although Samsung appears to be specifically targeting the enterprise and AI markets with its price hikes.

The 7.2 magnitude earthquake that struck Taiwan on April 3, 2024, was the largest earthquake in that region in 25 years, causing devastation across the island. Micron's production lines were damaged by the earthquake, and in the immediate aftermath of the disaster, Micron halted much of its production, causing speculators to worry about potential damage. The damage occurred mostly in the more advanced processes used in server dynamic random access memory (DRAM) rather than consumer-grade NAND lines for solid-state drives (SSDs) and flash drives, so the earthquake likely wasn't entirely to blame for Micron's price hike.

Taiwanese media reported that Micron has increased prices by more than 20% in recent months, although TrendForce expects the actual increase in mobile DRAM to be in the 3-8 percent range compared to the previous quarter. Supplies of Micron consumer products remain high, and it is believed that any emergency price increases linked to the earthquake should have returned to normal by now. TrendForce notes that there are other factors that suggest Micron DDR4/DDR5 products are experiencing weak demand with no external factors driving higher prices, leaving no market-based explanation for the price hikes announced in Q2.

Samsung is also raising prices, especially for enterprise SSDs which are expected to increase by 20-25 percent in Q2 2024. Rumors suggest that there is a shortage of enterprise SSDs at the moment. This would make sense, as enterprise SSDs are expected to become a key component of AI use cases. GPU supply is the core component of AI computing and has been plagued by supply constraints. Samsung, which is already focused on the AI ​​market through solid-state drives (SSDs), will likely continue to target this hungry market with aggressive price increases. As the owner of more than 40% of the enterprise SSD market share, Samsung's pricing decisions will impact the rest of the industry.

Western Digital is also said to be raising its prices for both hard drives and NAND flash products, citing supply shortages in both on April 8. WD claims that supply has far exceeded demand for both product categories, and it is unable to keep up with current rates – which were deliberately reduced last year. Some prices will continue to adjust as the quarter continues.

These widespread price hikes come on the heels of increased industry-wide demand, and show a worrying trend among memory manufacturers. US-based companies like Micron and Western Digital see significant declines in revenue and executive compensation from year to year, something we wouldn't expect to see if the reason behind their high prices was simply corporate greed. Most memory manufacturers are targeting a low production strategy to keep demand artificially high, but the hits continue regardless, and the recent earthquake seems to be another possible excuse.

Last year saw the lowest prices ever for DRAM and NAND, and memory manufacturers were losing money. While prices are trending higher, there are still plenty of deals on SSDs and hard drives, with high-capacity and high-performance 2TB and 4TB SSDs still very affordable nowadays. However, if you're planning to increase your storage capacity, you may want to act sooner rather than later.




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