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[OPINION] Political earthquake? Sara Duterte fails to grip the narrative

[OPINION] Political earthquake?  Sara Duterte fails to grip the narrative


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For someone touted as the front-runner in the 2028 elections, Vice President Sara Duterte is disappointing.

The Vice President's resignation from the Cabinet is not your usual story. It's definitely not a filler. It's a headline story, what newspaper editors call “banner headlines.”

Imagine the political consequences: Vice President Sara Duterte resigned from the Cabinet just three months and 12 days before nominations for the midterm elections were filed. Historically, administration nominees for Senate have easily navigated midterm elections on the wings of public adulation of the incumbent president. But satisfaction and trust in President Marcos Jr. have been declining since last year. The vice president is a victim of growing public discontent. To stop the bleeding, it needs to come off quickly.

Moreover, her father, former President Rodrigo Duterte, and his brother, Davao City Mayor Basti Duterte, have been leading the charge against the administration since January. She did not repudiate or condemn their obscene attacks on the president, who happens to be her boss. She even attended these gatherings, much to the First Lady's dismay.

Two years after they were elected as a team, the relationship between the President and Vice President has deteriorated from warm to icy cold faster than a broken thermostat.


So imagine the Vice President, now devoid of nice play, as the “leader” of a newly minted opposition campaigning for the candidates of her choice. Imagine a possible realignment of political parties, and even mass defections, with Sara Duterte of the House of Representatives Duterte as a rallying figure and Davao City as their stronghold, or Storm's End, where they plan to retake King's Landing.

But as I scan through daily newspapers and online chatter two days after the resignation, the much-publicized political earthquake has become as politically inconvenient for the administration as it has been a mild pinch.

To paraphrase a line from Stephen King's book The Shawshank Redemption, the expected shock vanished like a wind in the wind.

Oddly enough, the vice president's supporters and critics share one sentiment: The time has come. No one was surprised. They all wondered why it took so long.

Only her true believers described her eventual departure from Cabinet as a loss to public service. On the BBM side of the fence, even on the Kakambink Pass, all the signs said good riddance.

Frame neglect

For a figure touted as a front-runner in the 2028 presidential election, the vice president or her handlers failed to seize the media opportunity to shape the narrative of how political players, commentators, and the public will view her resignation and its ramifications.

They should have expected that the vice president's resignation would be interpreted as a show of character. Her two-year tenure at the Ministry of Education will be investigated to validate her assertions of competence and readiness to lead the nation. They may support it or undermine it, but the boundaries of the discourse, the framework, had to be established.

The Vice President's short speech, which was broadcast live on major media platforms and social media sites, was disappointing. Its statement was lacking not only in terms of rhetoric but in terms of substance.

Vice President Duterte and her team failed to make their case before the public, leaving her actions and motives in the hands of pundits and online pundits. They let others define it.

Her supporters aren't doing a great job either. One of her unofficial spokesmen said the vice president was now the “leader” of the opposition. But other than supporting her father's war on drugs, shielding a doomsday pastor from accountability, and posting a Chinese-language tribute video, the vice president, now or in the past, has not demonstrated a commitment to long-standing values ​​or principles.

Vice President Duterte's supporters may have deluded themselves into believing that her resignation would move the ground so powerfully that it would make the current occupant of the palace shudder and reminisce about February 1986. But so far, the palace's response has been eloquent. –

Joey Salgado is a former journalist and government and political communications practitioner. He served as spokesman for former Vice President Jejomar Binay.




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