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6.8 Soutandland is a pressing earthquake in the exposed Tsunami area “incomprehensible” by scientists

6.8 Soutandland is a pressing earthquake in the exposed Tsunami area “incomprehensible” by scientists



“The coastal sea level scale in the southwest of Fiorland is a permanent tsunami 10 cm for 90 minutes after the earthquake,” said Taylor Otord.

“GNS will continue to monitor any new activity from the National Geohazards Monitoring Center.”

The event occurred near the boundaries of the tectonic plate, where the Australian plate dives under the Pacific Panel – in the opposite direction of how the “two phase paintings” on the northern island.

It is called the border, called “Puysegu”, for more than 800 km south of the southern island, to a point in the southern wild ocean and wind, about 400 km west of the Auckland Islands.

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“This region is actually not very understandable,” said Dr. Fein Ellsley-Kimb, whose colleagues at Victoria University in the region said.

“There were much lower research here compared to other regions, leaving many unknown people around micro -tecttura – but hosted some of our greatest earthquakes.”

A strong earthquake hit the lower southern island. Photo / Geonet

Among them was the 2009 FiordLand earthquake, which was struck near the northern end of the trench – more than 25,000 times of the atomic bomb dropped on Nagasaki in 1945.

Its strength was sufficient to damage the southern island, and move the Puysegur Pt on the southwestern end of the island 30 cm near Australia.

But its distant location, near the dusky sound, means that there is relatively small damage to the buildings.

The 7.2 earthquake hit the same trench in November 2004, while the 6.4 event was recorded in July 2017.

In following up today's event, Illsley-KEMP said that GNS science experts will focus on the earthquake mechanism, and tell them how the error moved during the earthquake.

This information has helped assess the potential tsunami risks, which pose a permanent danger in Sawathland.

In one of the recent studies, scientists have informed how, over a “return period”, over a period of 2500 years, most of the southern coast in the region sat with a tsunami from 8 meters to 12 meters-and waves from 4 meters to 8 meters over 500 years.

This is exposed to risk societies including Invercargill, Bluf and Riverton, as well as major transportation centers such as the main port and airport in Southland.

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The integration area of ​​Hikuranji, off the eastern coast of the Northern Island, was eventually formed the greatest threat to people.

Along this integration area, scientists have estimated 26 percent chance of an event of 8.0 or larger than the below the lower northern island during the next fifty years.

Taylor-Autord said today's earthquake was another reminder that earthquakes could occur anywhere in New Zealand, “at any time.”

“In the event of a large earthquake: drop, coverage and nodes. If the earthquake is long or strong, then it is gone.”

Jimmy Morton specializes in science and environmental reports. Join Herrad in 2011 and write about everything from memorizing and changing climate to natural risks and new technology.

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