The Great Alaska Earthquake of March 27, 1964
Posted Date: Mar 27, 2021 / 02:20 AM EDT / Update: Mar 27, 2021 / 02:21 AM EST
Picture. Above is the fourth road in Anchorage, Alaska after the great earthquake of March 27, 1964. Here the pier sank 11 feet in response to a 14-foot horizontal motion.
The earthquake occurred at 5:36 pm on Good Friday. The shaking lasted for 4 minutes and 38 seconds. The magnitude 9.2 earthquake is still the strongest earthquake in recent history in North America, and the second strongest earthquake in modern world history after the Chilean 9.5 earthquake in 1960. Through south-central Alaska, fissures, collapsed structures, and tsunamis resulted from the earthquake. The earthquake killed 131 people.
Six hundred miles (970 km) of the fault ruptured at once and moved to 60 feet (18 meters), releasing some 500 years of stress accumulation. Soil liquefaction, cracks, landslides, and other ground faults have caused extremely significant structural damage to the property. Anchorage has suffered damage or severe damage to many homes, buildings and infrastructure insufficiently earthquake-engineered (paved streets, sidewalks, water and sewage mains, electrical systems and other man-made equipment), particularly in many landslide areas along Knik’s arm. Two hundred miles (320 km) southwest, some areas near Kodiak were permanently raised by 30 feet (9 meters). Southeast of Anchorage, areas around Turnagain’s armhole near Girdwood and Portage decreased by 8 feet (2.4 meters), requiring reconstruction and mobilization to raise the Seward Highway above the new high tide mark.
In Prince William Sound, Valdez Harbor suffered a massive underwater landslide, killing 32 people between the collapse of Valdez City’s harbor and its docks, and inside a ship that was docked there at the time. Nearby, a 27-foot (8.2 m) tsunami devastated the village of Cheniga, killing 23 of the 68 people who lived there. The survivors crossed the wave, and climbed higher ground.
Panel Driven Through Frame by Tsunami – Alaska Earthquake 3 27 64
The post-earthquake tsunami severely affected Whittier, Seward, Kodiak and other Alaskan communities, as well as people and property in British Columbia, Washington, Oregon and California.[4] The tsunami also caused damage in Hawaii and Japan. Tsunami waves are observed in more than 20 countries, including Peru, New Zealand, Papua New Guinea, Japan, Mexico and Antarctica. The largest tsunami was recorded in Shoup Bay, Alaska, at an altitude of about 220 feet (67 m). Evidence of movement directly related to the earthquake has been reported from Florida and Texas.
This map shows the arrival time after the main earthquake and tsunami
Twelve people were killed in or near the tsunami in Crescent City, California, while four children were killed on the Oregon coast in Beverly Beach State Park.[21] Other coastal cities in the Pacific Northwest and Hawaii were affected. Minor damage occurred to boats as far south as Los Angeles.[22] The effects of the earthquake were observed as far east as Freeport, Texas, where tidal gauges recorded waves similar to surface seismic waves.[23]Seiches have been discovered in wells in countries around the world, including England, Namibia, and Australia.
A blemish rupture between Pacific and North American panels near College Fjord in Prince William Sound. The epicenter was 12.4 miles (20 km) north of Prince William Sound, 78 miles (125 km) east of Anchorage and 40 miles (64 km) west of Valdez. The focus occurred at a depth of about 15.5 miles (25 km). The shifts of the ocean floor caused large tsunamis (up to 220 feet (67 m)), which resulted in many deaths and much property damage.[5] The large landslides also caused extensive property damage. A vertical displacement of 38 feet (11.5 meters) occurred, affecting 100,000 square miles (260,000 square kilometers) within Alaska.
The largest landslide occurred in Anchorage along Knik Arm between Point Woronzof and Fish Creek, causing significant damage to many homes in the Turnagain-By-The-Sea subdivision.
Hundreds of aftershocks occurred in the first weeks after the main shock. In the first day alone, eleven major aftershocks were recorded with strength greater than 6.0. Nine more strikes over the next three weeks. Altogether, thousands of aftershocks occurred in the months following the quake, and smaller aftershocks continued to hit the area for more than a year.
Portage town after the earthquake – Tsunami waves and subsidence left much of the city underwater
In the long term, the US Army Corps of Engineers led efforts to rebuild roads, remove debris and create new urban sites for completely destroyed communities, at a cost of $ 110 million.[29] The West Coast and Alaska Tsunami Warning Center was formed as a direct response to the disaster. Paying federal disaster relief funds for reconstruction as well as financial support for the Alaskan government’s destroyed infrastructure, hundreds of millions of dollars have been spent helping to keep Alaska able to fulfill its financial obligations until the discovery of massive oil deposits in Prudhoe Bay.
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