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Two men are hospitalized after a major explosion in Valley Glen Home – CBS Los Angeles

Two men are hospitalized after a major explosion in Valley Glen Home – CBS Los Angeles


VALLEY GLEN (CBSLA) – Los Angeles Fire Department crews responded Sunday evening to a home in Valley Glen after a large explosion that neighbors said felt like an earthquake.

Los Angeles Fire Department crews responded Sunday evening to a home in Valley Glen after an explosion appeared to have occurred. (Capsula)

One of the men said, “I was just in my bedroom organizing some things, and it felt like a big explosion.” “I thought it was an earthquake at first, but then I said I didn’t like it, for a long time.”

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According to LAFD, the one-family home in Building 12700 of W. Archwood Street was severely damaged after a major explosion, despite no active fire. Firefighting crews said there was a smell of gas in the air upon arrival.

Two men were taken to a local hospital, a 59-year-old man with severe burns and a 46-year-old man with non-life-threatening injuries. Fire officials said the second man was found in deep debris on his shoulder after firefighters heard a clicking sound. The crew had to use a chain saw to remove the debris in order to get the man out, who was alert and talking to the firefighters.

Another man was lightly injured, but he refused to go to the hospital. A 65-year-old woman and three children were unharmed.

A woman living in a neighboring house was evaluated, but was not hospitalized.

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An explosion destroyed a home in #ValleyGlen and spewed debris into the neighborhood. LAFD search and rescue operations are at the site of the accident and firefighters search the wreckage. One person in critical condition and the other were pulled out of the rubble. MustafaHosny Oh God, Secretary

– John Schreiber (@johnschreiber) April 12, 2021

The house was marked in red and residents of 13 neighboring homes were asked to vacate the house. Seven homes in the area were damaged by debris, but were not deemed unsafe to occupy, according to the Los Angeles Fire Department.

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Firefighters said there was no risk of fire and the gas leak was secured. LAFD said crews are still on site to investigate the cause of the explosion.


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