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Scouts report in San Jose Earthquakes: Luciano Abecasses


Luciano Abecasis has signed off-season for the San Jose Earthquakes, a versatile full-back who will likely take over Nick Lima as the starting right-back in 2021.

A newcomer to MLS, what can we take away from the player’s career so far? Some information on the new defender.

strength point

The Argentine veteran is now 30 years old and will bring some experience, albeit in a new location. Abecasis has played for Grand in Argentina, at River Plate, he has some experience in Italy and Paraguay, and while the US is likely to deliver a slightly greater cultural shock, the heart of Latin America in the team, including the coaching staff, should help acclimate the Abecasis.

Abecasis has played 15 Libertadores Cup matches, which is a good number considering the number of times players leave before being able to participate in the large number of matches in the continental competition. So he definitely has some great experience with the game.

And when he’s been playing a regular number of games, Abecasis has some good help numbers for his position, so that’s a potential skill he could use on earthquakes. Don’t expect him to score much, as he has three goals in his career, but he could be good for a few assists this next season.

Of course, Abecasis also joined Quakes because he was out of his contract and because he previously played Earthquakes head coach Matthias Almeida on River Plate. Looking at this relationship, one of the characters not only knows Abecasses Almeida’s style of play, he is willing to chase up and down for 90 minutes, because he agreed to sign with San Jose. We hope this will help him adapt on and off the field with his new team.


I’m not sure why, but Abecasis hasn’t played many games in his career, he looks like 162 for the club since his debut in 2011. That averages 16 games a season, and that’s not much. The year 2020 was clearly an anomaly, but in terms of playing the league, he has managed more than 20 games in one season only three times, and was the 27th highest in 2016-2017 with Godoy Cruz.

It’s not clear if Abecasis was unlucky, injured, on rotation or not in favor, and it is possible that playing that number of matches in his career could mean he’s a lot more fresh than his average 30-year-old. forefront. But worryingly at least he did not appear to be the spontaneous start of most of his career for one reason or another.

How will it cope with earthquakes?

I was drawing Abecasses at right-back, but I wouldn’t be surprised if he shared time with Tommy Thompson in 2021. In addition to the relative lack of games in his career so far (again, maybe that is a positive thing?) I think Almeida really likes the Thompson game and will strive To include him in this mix regularly.

But earthquakes have had dreadful defense numbers in 2020 and clearly need some upgrades. I doubt a right-back replacement will fix everything, but it’s something. If Abecasis can quickly adapt to MLS, find rhythm and defend well, he can make it his site. If not, Quakes’ defense is likely as leaky as ever.

However, the newest member of the Argentine seismic squad is here, and we expect to see him in action long before 2021.

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