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The TBITAK MAM, which will map earthquakes to the Aegean, begins its journey


The Tubitak mam, which will map the earthquake to the Aegean Sea, has begun its expedition

Within the scope of “Determining earthquakes and active tectonic properties of faults in the Kusadasi Bay with high-precision measurements of the sea floor” initiated by TBITAK, which began an earthquake investigation of faults extending from the ground to the Kusadasi Bay after the earthquake that occurred in the Aegean Sea on October 30, 2020, a ship started TÜBİTAK MAM, which has been commissioned to serve, its 10-day journey by berthing from the port of Izmir Alsancak.

Goodbye, Deputy Minister of Industry and Technology Mehmet Fatih Kasir and TBİTAK Chairman Prof. Dr. Hassan Mandal. Referring to the killing of 30 citizens and injuries to 2020 in the earthquake that occurred in the Aegean Sea on October 117, 1034, Kasr said: “I wish mercy to all our citizens who lost their lives on this occasion, and we will recover soon. To all of Turkey, to Izmir again.” He said.

Referring to the recent studies conducted by TBİTAK, our country has been trying to support researchers working in the same field and working in different universities together, Kasir said, and the last example of this is COVID-20, where nearly 500 researchers have been brought together in nearly Of 19 scientific research projects. He mentioned that he was noticed on his platform. Noting that scientists from different universities in our country were brought together on our trips to Antarctica, Kasir continued as follows: “Now here, this time from 4 different universities. Our researchers from Istanbul University, Istanbul Technical University, Middle East Technical University and Dokuz Eilul University will conduct the procedure. “This research is supported by AFAD and our naval forces. We will bring together our scientists who will continue their studies in geology, geophysics and underwater research.”

Noting that the TÜBİTAK MAM vessel has assumed important responsibilities in many studies, particularly in environmental research projects, Kasir said: “We will try to contribute to earthquake research with this vessel, with our advanced equipment and instruments.”

Pointing out that the scientific outputs that will be obtained as a result of this exploratory trip will also be shared on international platforms and that our country’s competency in these areas will have the opportunity to be examined and monitored in all international platforms, Kasir said, “We will continue these studies for about two years after this expedition. We will continue to contribute to the scientific studies of our country in terms of earthquake preparedness. I hope this trip will be beneficial for our country and our nation. “

We will join our forces in the face of earthquakes

TBİTAK Chairman Prof. Dr. Hasan Mandal, in his speech while dispatching the TÜBİTAK MAM vessel to his voyage, stated that the earthquake process, which we see difficult today, will be addressed through a work together and achievement approach, similar approach to the COVID-19 Turkey Platform and drug development studies. Noting that our specialized universities and related institutions (AFAD, Naval Forces Command, Marine Hydrography and Oceanography Department) will launch together in Turkey, Professor Mandal stated that the expedition team will work day and night in our regional waters and in international waters.

We will find traces of an earthquake in the sea

Referring to our efficiency in tracking the effects of the earthquake on the ground, Prof. Mandal said: “We are tracking active faults and earthquake effects on the ground. We think we know this area very well. But we do not have enough information about this distance in the operation from the sea. Our goal in this regard is to find traces of active fault lines in the sea, and active fault lines in Kusadasi starting from the ground, on the first voyage. Our geophysics professors and professors proficient in geology will participate in this process together. “

Prof. Dr. Mandal indicated that the TÜBİTAK MAM will be welcomed by the Minister of Industry and Technology Mustafa Varank upon his return from his voyage, and stated that when the ship returns from the voyage, their experiences and early stage information will be shared.

Professor Dr. Mandal pointed out that there are many institutions that contribute to this process, and said: “We would like to thank the US Navy Department, our Naval Forces Command, Dokuz Elul University, Istanbul University, Istanbul Technical University, Middle East Technical University, and our friends. In TUBITAK MAM and TÜRKSAT for their contributions to the process as a sponsor. “

We will do earthquake work with our own resources

Referring to the presence of 11 researchers and 12 crew members on the mission, Prof. Dr. Mandal indicated that the project team of 40 people in total will work for two years to wait for these results in the field, universities and laboratories for their analysis. Quickly and share with the audience. the professor. Dr. said. Mandal: “The work of our country in this field will be provided by the data produced by our country and not from other state sources, and a scientific study will be conducted so that we are more prepared for that. The earthquakes that we may face in the future.”

We will also share the results of our research with Greek scientists

TBİTAK Chairman Prof. Dr. Hasan Mandal stated, upon the question raised, that a proposal was also made to Greece regarding the earthquake project, and that the Ministry of Foreign Affairs had participated in this stage, but they were informed that the Greek authorities could not take quick action due to the impact of the epidemic process. Prof. Dr. Mandal indicated that they wanted researchers from Greece to be on board the TÜBİTAK MAM, “We will share the results with scientists in Greece, because earthquake is a common problem in the region. We wanted to collaborate with a science-based approach, but unfortunately they couldn’t catch up” .

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