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Summary International Gala 2024 | News details page

Summary International Gala 2024 |  News details page


On Saturday, March 23, the Indiana State Museum was filled with Gryphon pride as the Indiana International School community gathered for the highly anticipated International Gala. The event celebrated the students, faculty, families and volunteers who make our school so special!

The evening began with an inspiring message from Gala co-chairs and ISI parents, Toby Ringle and Alvaro Tori. Throughout the evening, Head of School Elizabeth Head and ISI parent Chris Waters entertained and informed attendees, highlighting the mission of ISI and showcasing the outstanding achievements of students from the Class of 2024. The graduating seniors came out to stage, sharing heartfelt stories of their ISI journey and their aspirations for the future.

The Live Auction and “Raise Your Paddle” segments were definitely the highlights of the evening, sparking a palpable sense of excitement and generosity among those in attendance. From thrilling experiences like flying in a World War II fighter jet to heartfelt gestures of support for the ISI Annual Fund inspired Lower School Slide-A-Thon, every moment was met with enthusiastic participation and unwavering commitment .

The energy in the room was electric as attendees gathered, united in their shared commitment to further ISI's mission and ensure the continued success of the school.

  • Proceeds for this year's event totaled $233,859, and $130,109 was raised at the event!
  • Over 400 total supporters attended the auction, in person and online.
  • Over 100 packages were entered into this year's silent auction and over 1,200 bids were placed! The most popular items were the Lower School Principal for the Day with 75 bids, the Tim Stroh Woodworking Handmade Bench with 65 bids, and the Third Grade Photo with 53 bids! In total, the silent auction raised $41,835.
  • The Live Auction offered a variety of exciting experiences and raised $70,249.
  • A Raise Your Paddle was the final appeal of the night and donors gave $18,025 to support the ISI Annual Fund!

Click to watch the Gala Slide-A-Thon video.

  • International Gala Co-Chairs: Toby Ringle and Alvaro Tori
  • Emcee and auctioneer Chris Waters
  • Emcee and Head of School Elizabeth Head
  • Student Speakers from the Class of 2024: Simon Chen, Helena Duarte, Caitlyn Hempstead, Siyuan (Max) Huang, Kael Miller, Miles Mixon, Alexander Pecard-Lesse and Anzie Wiseman
  • Board President Alonzo Weems
  • Parent Volunteers: Stephanie Aikins, Carrie Bryant-Salazar, Kelly Daneri, Lindsay Donaldson, Kylee Hope, Jalissa Hurd, Chelsea Koehring, Angie Lau, Monica Morrissey ('04), Leyla Peeran, Melissa Piening, Carrie Ritman, Sam Gregory Roberts, , Nadia Savabi, Sara Senior, Claudia Stephenson, Rachel Stevens, Lisa White, Amy Willis, Heather Woods, Andrea Worthington
  • Volunteers: Richard Bruford, Nick Hainsworth, Jenny Howell, Kim Jacobson, Geoff Peate, Tim Stroh
  • Student Volunteers: Makoto Buroku, Kennedy Green, Isabel Kim, Phyusen Kyaw, Nils Lahm, Aoife Lien, Sireen Moses, Lucinda Montgomery, Tristyn Patel, Elena Ruckle, Preston Slate, Edward Willis
  • Businesses and individuals who donated items to the auction
  • Finally, our Gala attendees and supporters who made the fundraiser fun!

Mark your calendars now!

Join us on March 22, 2025, at the 30th Anniversary International Gala!




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