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UK/US: Five years in prison for Julian Assange in the UK is unacceptable

UK/US: Five years in prison for Julian Assange in the UK is unacceptable


Today marks five years since Julian Assange was detained in Belmarsh, a high security prison in the UK. As he fights the extradition request from US authorities, Amnesty International Secretary-General Agnes Callamard said:

Julian Assange dared to bring to light the revelations of alleged war crimes committed by the US. It is unacceptable that years of his life were stolen. He remains arbitrarily detained in the UK on politically motivated charges brought by the US to expose their alleged wrongdoing. US authorities have failed to conduct a thorough and transparent investigation into their alleged war crimes. Instead, they chose to target Assange for publishing information leaked to him even if it was in the public interest. The continued persecution of Assange makes a mockery of the US's obligations under international law and its stated commitment to freedom of expression.

The continued persecution of Assange makes a mockery of the US's obligations under international law and its stated commitment to freedom of expression

Secretary General of Amnesty International, Agnes Callamard

If extradited to the US, Assange would be at risk of serious abuse, including prolonged solitary confinement, which would violate the prohibition on torture or other ill-treatment. The dubious diplomatic assurances made by the US about his treatment are not worth the paper they are written on, not least because they are not legally binding and full of loopholes.

The US should drop all charges against Assange, which would allow his immediate release from UK state custody

Agnes Callamard

Assange is wanted for activities that are essential to all journalists and publishers, who often receive sensitive government information from outside sources. Wikileaks released evidence of civilian deaths and alleged war crimes. The public has a right to know if their government is violating international law. US authorities are setting a disastrous precedent for media freedom around the world if Assange is extradited. The US should drop all charges against Assange, which would allow his immediate release from UK state custody.


Julian Assange faces prosecution in the US under the Espionage Act of 1917, a wartime law that was never intended to target the legitimate work of publishers and journalists. He could face up to 175 years in prison. On the computer misuse charge, he could get a maximum of five years.

On March 26, the UK Supreme Court adjourned to give the US an opportunity to present new diplomatic assurances. A UK court will reconsider Julian Assange's leave to appeal his extradition to the US on 20 May 2024.




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