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Bullying children about weight increases risk of self-stigma as adults, study finds | Obesity

Bullying children about weight increases risk of self-stigma as adults, study finds |  Obesity


Parents who tease their children about their weight are putting them at greater risk of feeling bad about their bodies decades later, whether they grow up obese or not, a groundbreaking study has found.

According to explorative from the University of Bristol published Tuesday in the journal Lancet Regional Health Europe.

Internalized weight stigma makes people think they are less attractive, less competent, or less valuable as a person because of their weight, even if they are not obese or underweight. It is associated with eating disorders and an increased desire to lose weight.

The research found strong and long-term effects on the psychological health of adults caused by pressure from parents and families, as well as from bullies and the media.

The findings came from more than 4,000 children in and around Bristol, who were first studied in the 1990s and are now 33. It is the first study to explore the effects of such pressure across decades of people's lives, the authors claim.

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Obesity in the UK told a 2022 parliamentary inquiry in the impact of body image on physical and mental health that weight stigma was associated with depression and anxiety and impaired psychosocial well-being, could lead to avoidance or delay in adopting healthier habits, and was associated with an increased risk of mortality regardless of a person's weight.

Given the substantial evidence that internalized weight stigma has serious implications for mental and other aspects of health, these findings will be essential for targeting prevention programs and supporting people most at risk, the study authors concluded.

At age 13, children were asked how often their mother or father had made a comment about their weight and how much they were eating that made them feel bad, to what extent family members and people at school teased them about their weight or their body shape. , and how much pressure they felt to lose weight from family, friends and people they met.

Eighteen years later, the same 4,060 people, now adults, were asked to rate their agreement with questions such as I hate myself because of my weight and I am less attractive than most other people because of my weight .

The researchers found that negative weight-related comments from parents and feeling pressured to lose weight from family and the media had the strongest associations with adults suffering from weight stigma, and the associations were strong.

Children who receive these comments from family members almost 20 years later have a more negative self-esteem, said Dr Amanda Hughes, a co-author of the report and an associate in the department of population health sciences at Bristol Medical School. . This is predicting a change in people's self-esteem and psychological health.

She urged parents to be really careful when talking to children about weight.

That doesn't mean you shouldn't promote healthy eating or say exercise is a good thing, but it's about why you're doing it, she said. It's about encouraging healthy eating practices for their own sake or because it makes you feel good. Don't pretend you have to be thin to be good.

Separately, people who were bullied as children also showed greater weight stigma, but the effect was reduced depending on how long ago the bullying occurred.

Since the people in the study were children long before social media, the findings on media effects are likely outdated. Further research is needed to track the impact of children's exposure to social media later in life.

Hughes said it may not all be negative as social media can also be how people connect with positive body content.




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