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World News In Brief: UN supports East African flood victims, dozens more migrant deaths at sea, disinformation in Myanmar

World News In Brief: UN supports East African flood victims, dozens more migrant deaths at sea, disinformation in Myanmar


In a statement released late Wednesday, the UN Secretary General Antônio Guterres said he was deeply concerned to hear of hundreds of lives lost and many others affected by the flood in Kenya, as well as in Burundi, Somalia, Tanzania and other parts of East Africa.

He expressed his condolences to the governments and people of the affected countries, especially the families of those who died or were injured in the disaster, spokesman Stphane Dujarric said.

The UN and its partners are working closely with national authorities to address humanitarian needs. The Secretary General emphasizes that the UN is ready to provide additional assistance as needed.

Mr. Guterres said he was extremely concerned about the impacts of extreme weather caused by El Nio, which risk further destroying communities and undermining their livelihoods.

Mr. Dujarric told reporters earlier in New York that agencies are supporting the Kenyan government-led response to heavy rains that have left more than 170 dead since mid-March, according to news reports.

The UN and partners on the ground have provided water, sanitation and hygiene supplies, along with food, health and psychosocial support.

Supporting the government's response

Our partners are too supporting rescue operations and setting up camps to host men, women and children displaced by the floodssaid Mr. Dujarric.

According to national authorities, the floods have affected more than 190,000 people and displaced over 150,000 people across the country. The floods did not spare the agricultural sector either. Over 4,800 cattle were lost and over 27,000 hectares of farmland were damaged, he continued.

More rain is expected this week, which is likely to add to the devastation caused by flooding, landslides and loss of infrastructure.

Kenya's vital tourism industry has also been hit, with a number of safaris said to have been evacuated last day from the Massai Mara national reserve after hotels and homes were flooded.

Several major roads in the capital Nairobi were temporarily closed on Wednesday due to flooding, and on Monday dozens were killed in the Mai Mahiu area of ​​western Kenya when a river overflowed into a tunnel. About 80 were also reported missing.

Agencies mourn the loss of nearly 50 migrants headed for the Canary Islands

UN agency for migration (IOM) and refugee agency UNHCR on Wednesday mourned another major loss of life at sea, when at least 50 migrants trying to reach the Canary Islands from Senegal were reported dead or missing.

The ship reportedly sank on Monday about 60 miles south of El Hierro. Nine people survived the tragedy and were rescued, according to reports.

These people are looking for a better life, but their dreams are shattered due to greedy smugglers and flimsy boats.said UN spokesman Stphane Dujarric.

The journeys of immigrants

Recent data from the IOM found that drowning was the leading cause of migrant deaths in 2023, many of which occurred in the Sahara desert and Sea route to the Canary Islands, where travelers hope for asylum and better opportunities to live and work, for themselves and their families, in Europe.

This journey, among other things, is a way for migrants to escape life-threatening conflict and the impact of climate change, IOM had reported.

In 2023, the journey across the Mediterranean Sea resulted in the deaths and disappearances of at least 3,129 migrants, the highest number of deaths since 2017. Furthermore, an unprecedented 1,866 migrant deaths were recorded across Africa.

Mr. Dujarric said that IOM and UNHCR are drawing attention to the fact that safe and orderly routes must be accessible and inclusive to save the lives of refugees and migrants.

Alarm grows over the spread of disinformation in Myanmar's Rakhine state

The UN team working on the ground in Myanmar has raised concerns about the spread of disinformation, misinformation and hate speech, particularly in the northern state of Rakhine, home to mostly stateless Rohingya Muslims who have suffered years of persecution by the authorities. Burmese.

The breakdown of a year-long unofficial ceasefire between the ruling army and the Arakan rebel army last November has plunged 15 of Rakhine's 17 villages into conflict.

We fully support community leaders in Rakhine State, especially women and youth, who are coming together and redouble efforts to promote social cohesion amid growing signs of tension and the risk of resurgence of communal violence in the current highly volatile context, said Mr. Dujarric, citing the UN team in Myanmar.

A child in an Internally Displaced Persons (IDP) center in Myanmar.  (files)

A child in an Internally Displaced Persons (IDP) center in Myanmar. (files)

He added that addressing the root causes of systemic discrimination and impunity in Rakhine State is essential in creating a sustainable path out of the current crisis facing Myanmar.

The cycle of violence

Failure to do so will only fuel the vicious cycle of violence in Myanmar, the UN team added.

And of course, we have been consistent in condemning all forms of violence against civilians in Myanmar, and we reiterate our call for the protection of civilians, including aid workers, in accordance with international humanitarian law, for the cessation of hostilities and humanitarian access , Mr. Dujarric concluded.

Last month, UN human rights chief Volker Trk warned that Rakhine State has once again become a multi-stakeholder battleground, andcivilians are paying a heavy price, with the Rohingya at particular risk.

He said it was particularly worrying that while in 2017, the Rohingya were targeted only by the Burmese military and other security forces,they are now trapped between two armed factionswho have a history of killing themselves. We must not allow the Rohingya to be targeted again.




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