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Electricity from clean sources reaches 30% of the global total

Electricity from clean sources reaches 30% of the global total


Billions of people are using different types of energy every day, and 2023 was a record year for renewable energy sources that don't emit planet-warming pollutants such as carbon dioxide and methane according to a report published Wednesday by Ember, a London-based think tank.

For the first time, 30% of the electricity produced worldwide was from clean energy sources as the number of solar and wind farms continued to grow rapidly.

Of the types of clean energy produced last year, hydroelectric dams produced the most. It is the same as most years. However, droughts in India, China, North America and Mexico meant that hydropower hit a five-year low. Research shows climate change is causing droughts to develop faster and be more severe.

People used more electricity than ever last year, about 2% more, an increase of about as much as Canada uses in a year. Some of this new demand was for heat pumpswhich are an efficient way of heating and cooling buildings, and for electric vehicles. It was also for electrolyzers, special machines that were used to take hydrogen without water, for energy. These are all technologies that provide solutions to climate change.

Other growing demand was for electricity to power new data centers and for air conditioning as countries around the world heat up.

Solar accounted for most of the new clean energy last year. More than twice as much solar power was added as coal power. It was the 19th year in a row that solar was the fastest growing source of electricity generation. A surge in solar installations occurred at the end of the year, and the report predicts that 2024 will see an even bigger jump.

China added more renewable energy than any other country last year, 51% of new solar power and 60% of new wind power globally. China, the European Union, the United States and Brazil together accounted for 81% of new solar generation in 2023.

However, China was also responsible for 55% of global coal production and 60% of China's electricity generation came from coal. of International Energy Agency states that coal is the most carbon-laden of fossil fuels.

Scientists say emissions from burning fossil fuels like coal must be sharply reduced to protect the Earth's climate, yet there has been an increase in electricity produced by burning fossil fuels. China, India, Vietnam and Mexico were responsible for almost all of the growth.

The report said some countries were burning coal to compensate for the loss of hydroelectric power they experienced when the drought caused their reservoirs to dry up. This is an example of a vicious cycle where climate change drives the use of more of the substances that cause climate change in the first place.

Despite all the growth in clean energy, fossil fuels still accounted for the majority of global electricity produced last year, causing a 1% increase in global energy sector emissions. Scientists say that even if we cut all greenhouse gas emissions today, the planet would continue to warm for years because of the amount of pollutants already added to the atmosphere.

Analysts expect the world to use even more electricity in 2024. But renewable energy production is projected to grow even faster. This could mean a 2% (333 terawatt-hours) drop in energy produced from fossil fuels.


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