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How the second wave of the COVID-19 pandemic was more dangerous than the first wave

How the second wave of the COVID-19 pandemic was more dangerous than the first wave


The deadly second wave of the COVID-19 pandemic that hit India from April to May was quite different from the first wave that occurred in 2020 in terms of infectivity, severity, and symptoms. Some symptoms, such as dry cough, fever, and dyspnea, were similar in both waves, but some new and more disturbing symptoms appeared during the second wave.

The symptoms of the first wave resembled the flu, but in the second wave things changed completely.

From eye infections, hearing loss, and loose movements, more deadly secondary infections and fungal infections such as zygomycosis, black mold, mildew, and green mold were found to cause havoc. In some cases, patients with coronavirus infection also had gastrointestinal problems.

Why are experts now Second wave It was more dangerous than the first because it could help identify potential areas of diagnosis of interest in future control strategies.

In a correspondence released Wednesday at Lancet’s Department of Respiratory Medicine on the effects of the second wave in India, experts said the second wave had serious consequences in the form of spiral cases, reduced supply of essential treatments, and increased mortality. I write that I brought it. Young population.

Today, we are trying to analyze some of these points on how the second wave proved to be more deadly than the first wave, according to the Indian Express.

The severity of the second wave is high

This study revealed an overall high disease severity upon admission to the second wave.

The study also revealed higher mortality rates, especially in younger patients.

Severe cases accounted for 39.4% of patients in the second wave, compared to 32.7% in the first wave.

Patients with comorbidities such as diabetes, hypertension, and chronic kidney disease were also higher in the second wave at 59.7% compared to 54.8% in the first wave.

More oxygen was needed at the time of admission because more severe illness was observed.

Young was more influenced

Young adults showed higher mortality in the second wave than in the first wave of the pandemic.

Younger people were affected and faced early symptoms of hypoxia.

According to the ICMR report, the average age of the cases was 50 years in the first wave and 49 years in the second wave.

There were more asymptomatic patients in the second wave, but there is no difference in mortality between the two waves.

Long-term COVID syndrome

In the second wave, we saw a long and protracted COVID. Its characteristics were mainly malaise, brain fog, and neuromuscular complications.

Experts say that people who recover from COVID-19 in the second wave continue to have lung and heart complications.

The need for vigilance after COVID was up to 100 days in the second wave, but mainly two weeks in the first wave.

Patients also suffer from post-COVID syndrome, even with mild to moderate infections such as fatigue, anxiety, and occasional shortness of breath.

People in the ICU in particular suffer from severe weakness and may require long-term oxygen treatment at home due to lung damage.

Bacterial and fungal infections

During the second wave of the pandemic, there were abnormal bacterial, viral and fungal infections.

During the second wave, there was a surge in zygomycosis or black fungi, independent of diabetes and steroid therapy.

Doctors have witnessed cases of arterial thrombosis leading to leg infarction and amputation.

Some COVID patients also have bleeding because they are taking anticoagulants after discharge.





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