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Description: Why Singapore is urging people to avoid exercising for a week after taking a Covid shot


The Ministry of Health of Singapore urged residents to avoid strenuous exercise for a week after receiving the first and second doses of all mRNA. COVID-19 vaccine. The country has updated its health guidelines for vaccine beneficiaries, which previously advised a 12-24 hour break from exercise after the shot.

Previously, the guidelines recommended a short break in exercise only after receiving both vaccines.

This recommendation applied to anyone seeking vaccination, but specifically focused on adolescents and men under the age of 30. “Everyone, especially adolescents and young men under the age of 30, is advised to avoid strenuous physical activity such as strenuous exercise. One week after the first and second doses,” the ministry updated. I read the guidelines.

Why is Singapore asking people to avoid exercising after Covid vaccination?

The updated guidelines were based on reports from a young man experiencing heart problems after receiving a shot. Recently, a 16-year-old boy suffered cardiac arrest during weightlifting on July 3, a few days after receiving the first dose of the Pfizer-BioNTech vaccine.

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“A preliminary diagnosis of his condition is out-of-hospital cardiac arrest. Laboratory tests and tests are underway to understand the underlying cause,” the Ministry of Health explained on Monday. “This includes a thorough examination of whether the possible diagnosis was acute severe myocarditis, which is a severe inflammation of the myocardium.”

Apart from the Pfizer-BioNTech vaccine, Singapore also offers jabs developed by Moderna.

As of June 30, Singapore’s Health Sciences Authority has received reports of heart problems experienced by at least 12 people after vaccination. Bloomberg reported that the majority of these cases were associated with men under the age of 30.

This recommendation is based on new data suggesting a small risk of myocarditis (myocardial inflammation) and pericarditis (swelling of the membrane surrounding the heart) associated with the Covid vaccine.

“During this time, vaccinated people should see a doctor immediately if they develop chest pain, shortness of breath, or abnormal heartbeat. All doctors will have such clinical symptoms after vaccination. You also need to be careful, “said the advisory.

What form of exercise should be avoided, according to the Ministry of Health of Singapore?

According to the latest recommendations, activities such as swimming, cycling and running should be avoided for a week after the first and second doses of the vaccine. The list of avoidable activities also included weightlifting, jogging, competitive sports, ball and racquet games.

He also states that physical education classes at school should be avoided. Physical activities that you can safely do after a week include walking, stretching, and housework.

Are such recommendations issued only in Singapore?

No. The United States and Israel have taken a similar stance on post-vaccination campaigns. This is due to several cases of myocarditis reported in young men after receiving the Pfizer vaccine.

Last month, the US Food and Drug Administration announced that it would add a warning about rare cases of heart inflammation in adolescents and young adults to all fact sheets for the Pfizer and Modernacovid-19 vaccines.

Meanwhile, in a report submitted to the Israeli Ministry of Health, researchers said vaccines made by Pfizer and BioNTech appear to increase the risk of developing myocarditis in young men.

However, a committee of experts advising the Singaporean government on promoting vaccination continues to recommend vaccination against deadly viruses, claiming that the benefits outweigh the potential risks.Both Israel and the United States also claim that these vaccines are essential to the fight. Pandemic..

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What other vaccine recommendations are issued worldwide?

Several recommendations have been issued around the world to encourage citizens to avoid certain post-vaccination activities.

At the end of last year, Russian health officials advised citizens to avoid alcohol for about two months after being shot. The warning did not go down well in a wide section of Russians who believed the request was unreasonable. But shortly thereafter, the developers of the Sputnik V vaccine refuted this claim.

Germany, on the other hand, strongly recommends mixing the Covid vaccine for efficacy reasons. In fact, German Chancellor Angela Merkel herself took the AstraZeneca vaccine as a second dose after receiving Moderna for the first time.





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