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Hospitalization surges as quarantine destroys the immune system

Hospitalization surges as quarantine destroys the immune system


In New Zealand, hospitalizations for COVID-related children are on the rise. In Wellington, 46 people are in medical centers, many of whom are receiving infants and oxygen therapy.

Hospitals elsewhere in the country are also expanding their resources. The playroom is used as a clinical space with a special care crib and surgery is delayed. Children under the age of 12 are advised not to visit for fear of infection.

But none of these COVID related hospitalization Involves children infected with the new coronavirus SARS-CoV-2.Rather, according to Parents, These are, among other things, victims of “immune debt” due to the blockade that was hit by the respiratory syncytial virus.

“RSV is a common respiratory illness. In adults, it generally causes very mild symptoms, but it can also make infants very ill or fatal,” the Guardian said. I reported on Thursday.

“The magnitude and severity of the outbreak in New Zealand may be underpinned by what some pediatricians call” immune debt. ” Immunity to other viruses suppressed by the blockade of COVID does not develop, resulting in an explosive increase in cases. “


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“What we’re seeing right now is a lot of sensitive children who missed the exposure, so they’re seeing it for the first time,” said epidemiologist and public health professor Michael.・ Professor Baker said.

“Removing that exposure for a period of time increases the cohort of unexposed children, so to withstand a much larger outbreak when finally exposed to the virus, as you can see what is happening at the moment. I can. “

The blockade during the winter in New Zealand meant a dramatic reduction in other illnesses, in addition to the suppression of COVID. There was a 98% reduction in RSV cases and a 99.9% reduction in cases. influenzaOther causes of excess death commonly seen in the winter months have disappeared.

I think this is great in theory. In fact, what’s happening in Wellington and elsewhere in New Zealand is evidence that immune debt presents real problems to children detained for more than a year. Because children are not normally exposed to RSV and other pathogens (chickenpox) Streptococcal pharyngitis, Influenza, etc. — There is no immunity that can be obtained by other methods.

Did the blockage disproportionately hurt the children?

It’s not just New Zealand. June 28, The Wall Street Journal He said the phenomenon could also be seen in countries such as Japan, Australia and the United States.

“In early June, 16-month-old Toranosuke Tsukita was infected with a common virus that causes fever above 106 degrees Fahrenheit,” wrote Miho Inada of The Wall Street Journal. “Bugs were spreading rapidly through day care in Tokyo,” said Miwako Tsukita, a 27-year-old mother, who hospitalized the boy for a week for oxygen treatment.

“By the time Toranosuke was discharged, the mother observed that the beds around him were full of children suffering from the same illness. This is usually common in the fall.” I was surprised that it took off so early, and I was surprised that it spread at this time of the year, “said Tsukita.

Toranosuke Tsukita was also infected with RSV.His pediatrician told The Wall Street Journal: Toddler Up to four people had a high fever, he said, because they were not exposed to the virus.

At Maimonides Children’s Hospital in New York City, there was a cluster of RSV cases passing through the Pediatric Infectious Diseases Division this spring.


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However, the average age was down. It was only 6 months, compared to 17 months in the previous season. Given that the immune system of young babies is weak, that is a problem. It meant more intensive care patients.

Dr. Labia Aga, director of the Pediatric Infectious Diseases Division at Maimonides, said while the first wave of serious infections culminated, “RSV is definitely back because few children were infected last season. Will attack more people. “

In Australia, Perth Children’s Hospital researcher David Foley told The Wall Street Journal that his country experienced similar problems with RSV during the summer. Foley considered this “increasing the vulnerable population, helping the virus spread more easily.”

“The more a fire burns, the more sparks it catches and the brighter it becomes, the easier it is to burn,” says Foley.

so Research A group of French doctors, announced in May, warned of the rubber band effect of immune debt.

“In the short term, this positive side effect is welcomed as it prevents further overloading of the healthcare system,” the doctor wrote.

“The lack of immune stimulation … causes an” immune debt “that can have negative consequences when the pandemic is suppressed, [public health interventions] Can be lifted.

“The longer these periods of” viral or bacterial low exposure “, the greater the likelihood of a future epidemic. “

Centers for Disease Control and Prevention in the United States data As of Wednesday, 331 people under the age of 18 died of COVID-19. It was known early on that the disease poses little threat to minors. It also did not pose a significant threat to young parents. Less than 10,000 people died under the age of 40.

On the other hand, we don’t know how high the cost of deductibles accumulated over the past year will be. For our children.. All we know is that they pay the price.It’s the same way they paid for mental health Suicide and overdose surge.. This is what the left calls to keep our children safe.

C. Douglas Golden is a writer who spends time between the United States and Southeast Asia. He specializes in political commentary and world affairs and has contributed to the Conservative Tribune and The Western Journal since 2014.

C. Douglas Golden is a writer who spends time between the United States and Southeast Asia. He specializes in political commentary and world affairs and has contributed to the Conservative Tribune and The Western Journal since 2014. Besides politics, I enjoy spending time with my wife, literature (especially British comic novels and modern Japanese literature), indie rock, coffee and formulas. One and football (both American and world varieties).

place of origin

Morristown, NJ


Catholic University of America

Spoken language

English spanish

Expertise topic

American politics, world politics, culture




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