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According to Mega Study, processed lean meat related to heart disease

According to Mega Study, processed lean meat related to heart disease


Also called coronary artery disease, the condition is The world’s leading causes of death and disability. Cholesterol fat deposits develop when plaque builds up on the walls of the arteries that supply blood to the heart.
According to the report, the risk of coronary heart disease increased as the amount of meat increased. Study published on Wednesday It is published in the journal Critical Reviews in Food Science and Nutrition.
For every 1.75 ounces (50 grams) of beef, mutton, and pork, the risk of coronary heart disease increased by 9%. The recommended meat serving is about 3 ounces (85 grams), which is the size of a soap bar or playing card deck. According to the American Cancer Society..

For every 1.75 ounces (50 grams) of processed meats such as bacon, ham, and sausages, the risk increased by 18%.

“Processed meat seems to be worse for coronary heart disease,” said Anika Knüppel, a research co-author and nutrition epidemiologist at the University of Oxford’s School of Population and Health.

“This is consistent with what was found in intestinal cancer, where processed meats have been shown to be associated with a higher risk increase than lean meats,” Knüppel said.

Don’t you think 9-18% are so risky? It’s safe to assume that few people eat less than 2 ounces of lean or processed meats in any diet.

Eating more than 2 ounces of lean or processed meats a day increases your risk of heart disease.

Take a typical beef fillet restaurant dinner as an example. Fillets, sirloins, strips, and ribeye steaks that can be eaten at a steakhouse weigh 9-12 ounces (255-340 grams). This means that you can easily get about 5-7 ounces (142-198 grams) of beef in a single meal. Did you have bacon for breakfast? Your risk is even higher.

No problem with poultry

The report also brought some good news to carnivores. There seems to be no link between eating poultry such as chicken and turkey and increasing the risk of coronary heart disease.

Most types of poultry that are considered lean meat do not contain the levels of saturated fat found in lean meat, nor the high levels of sodium that are part of processed meat. Saturated fat plays a major role in the development of plaques on the arterial wall, which is a major cause of occlusion associated with coronary heart disease. Sodium can raise blood pressure and limit blood flow to the heart.

Switch to a plant-based diet

Studies show that the best diet to follow to reduce the risk of heart disease is plant-based.To Ranking of the Best Diets for Heart Health by US News & World Report, With the Mediterranean diet associated with the DASH diet Decorate your diet For the highest honor with the best heart-friendly diet.
Mediterranean Diet: How to Start (and Continue) One of the Healthiest Diets in the World
The Ornish Diet was created in 1977 by Dr. Dean Ornish, the founder of the California Institute for Nonprofit Preventive Medicine.Ornish calls the diet the only scientifically proven program Reverse heart disease In random clinical trials without drugs or surgery. Experts, however, said the diet was restrictive and difficult to follow.

A dash diet is often recommended to lower blood pressure. The premise is simple. Eat more vegetables, fruits, and low-fat dairy products while reducing saturated-fat foods and limiting salt intake.

The diet plan includes 3 whole grain products, 4-6 servings of vegetables, 4-6 servings of fruits, 2-4 servings of dairy products, and a few servings of lean meat and nuts / seeds / legumes each day. included.

the study It has been shown that following this diet can lower blood pressure within a few weeks.
Mediterranean diet Won a gold medal for the best meal overall In the 2021 ranking.Such high praise is not surprising, as many studies have found that a Mediterranean diet can reduce risk. Diabetes, High cholesterol, dementia, amnesia, depression And breast cancer. Meals from the sunny Mediterranean region are also linked Stronger bones, A healthier heart And Long life..

The diet features simple plant-based dishes, with most of each diet focusing on fruits and vegetables, whole grains, beans and seeds, and some nuts and extra virgin olive oil. Say goodbye to refined sugar and flour, except in rare cases. Fats other than olive oil, such as butter, are rarely consumed, if any.

18 products to help you master the Mediterranean diet (CNN underscore)

Meat can have an unusual appearance, but usually only to add flavor to the dish. Instead, the diet may include eggs, dairy products, and chicken, but in much less than the traditional Western diet. However, fish are a staple.

Would you like to make the Mediterranean diet one of your goals this year? Start by making a weekly meal based on beans, whole grains, and vegetables, punching with herbs and spices. When the breeze comes one night a week, add two and make a non-meat meal from it.





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