Smoking-related cancers are twice as prevalent among the poor in the UK | Smoking
Smoking causes almost twice as many cases of cancer among the poor as the rich, according to new discoveries that emphasize its close relationship with tobacco and deprivation.
Approximately 11,247 cases of smoking-induced cancer are diagnosed each year among the poorest 20% of people in the UK, but far less than 6,200 cases among the top 20% of income earners.
Cancer Research UK, which produced the estimates, said the findings emphasize why ministers should tax tobacco companies to cover the costs of helping tobacco addicts quit smoking.
Michelle Mitchell, Chief Executive Officer of Cancer Research UK, said:
The difference in cancer incidence between the rich and the poor is so great that Reduction of smoking cessation services In recent years, she added, it threatens the government’s goal of quitting smoking in the UK by 2030.
To achieve that ambition, the number of smokers needs to be reduced from the current minimum of 15.5% to just 5%. The proportion of people who illuminate has dropped significantly over the last two decades, but it is increasingly concentrated in poorer groups.
According to CRUK, people in the most disadvantaged areas are 2.5 times more likely to smoke than those in the top one-fifth of their income, which is the main reason for the high number of cancers.
“The significant difference in the incidence of this cancer is due to the iron chain that links smoking and disadvantages. About a quarter of those who are unemployed or who work routinely and manually smoke. In contrast, less than one in ten people work in managerial or professional positions, “said Deborah Arnott, CEO of Smoking Cessation Charity ASH.
An analysis by CRUK found that approximately 53,227 cancers were diagnosed annually among the poorest 20% of people in the UK, measured by multiple deprivation indicators from the Office for National Statistics. Of these, an estimated 11,247 (21% of the total) were due to direct smoking, he said.
More cancer cases occur in the wealthiest 20% – an estimated 63,828. However, their much lower 6,200 are the result of someone smoking and represent a much lower proportion (10%) of all cancer cases that occur in that part of the population.
Professor Linda Bauld, a public health expert at the University of Edinburgh, said: This is probably due to several factors such as exposure to smoking, access to tobacco, marketing of the tobacco industry, housing and income pressure, health and social care, access to information and education, etc. This is because more people smoke. “
Arnott upheld CRUK’s call to force tobacco companies to donate to smoking cessation funds based on the “polluter pays principle”. “Tobacco makers are making extreme profits behind the poor. It’s time to get them to pay to end the epidemic they and they alone caused,” she said.
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