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How to get a Covid vaccine for people aged 16 and 17: Where to book a jab-How to find a walk-in center How to get a Covid vaccine for people aged 16 and 17: Where to book a jab


Joint Committee on Immunization and Immunization (JCVI) Recommended 16 and 17 years old will receive a jab after analyzing the data.

People This age group The Covid-19 vaccine will be available for pre-order from August 23 to boost immunity in the age group before Sixth Form and college reopen.

Minister of Health Sajid Javid The two-week bracket said it would give time to build maximum immunity before returning to school in September.

Javid encourages young people to get jabs “as soon as possible” to prevent delays. .. “

Thousands of people are contacted by text and letter, and invitations are sent to teens in Wales. Northern Ireland has opened a walk-in center for young people and you can register your interests online in Scotland.

Over 800 GP-led vaccination centers are preparing vaccinations for ages 16 and 17.

The Minister of Health said: “It’s great to see tens of thousands of young people already vaccinated.

“Thank you for helping to build a further barrier to defense against Covid-19 across the country. I will give the NHS in the UK the first dose of the vaccine by Monday, August 23, to all 16 and 17 year olds. I asked you to make sure to provide.

“This ensures that everyone has the opportunity to receive significant protection before returning to college or Sixth Form.”

When and where can 16 and 17 years old get jabs?

People in this age group are now Book online.

Online services will be available soon for the time being, but we recommend contacting your GP or going to the walk-in center from August 23rd.

If you live in the UK you can find a walk-in center here..

Teens do not need parental consent as they are legally considered to be able to make treatment decisions.

They receive a Pfizer vaccine approved for use in the United Kingdom for people over the age of 12.

Parents can also make reservations on behalf of their children, but their children must give their consent.

According to the NHS England, people aged 12 to 15 years who live with adults who are clinically vulnerable to Covid or at high risk of serious viral illness are also vaccinated by the NHS. It will be possible.

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Scientists “know what’s safe”

Johnson encourages families to listen to experts when deciding to vaccinate their children, so listening to clinicians and scientists who “know what’s safe” can be heard. He said it was important.

“I would like to urge all families thinking about this across the country to listen to JCVI, a joint committee on immunization and immunization.

“They are very professional there and the best, if not the best, companions in the world. They know what is safe, so we listen to them and take the initiative from them. I think you should hold it. “

The expansion of vaccination programs to younger generations took place after the latest data from the React Study showed that younger people caused a recent surge in infectious diseases in the United Kingdom. Vaccination of young people reduces infections and limits the spread of the virus in winter, scientists say.

Steven Riley, a professor of infectious disease dynamics at Imperial College London and co-author of React research, told LBC: That group.

“Maybe you should think about September, October, and November. It’s justified to extend these vaccinations because you can get how much immunity you can get to keep the prevalence down. I have.”

Current UK guidance allows legal consent without the words of parents if the child has the ability to understand the risks and benefits of treatment.

Healthy children between the ages of 12 and 15 are not excluded from the vaccination program, but authorities want to see more information first.




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