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How can I tell if it’s safe to send my child to school with confusing symptoms?


As the school year begins in Colorado, everyone is watching to see if schools see the outbreak of COVID-19. But another question is what happens when a child spreads other bacteria and leads to other illnesses that can easily be confused with COVID-19.

In this environment, even a small cold virus seems to lead to regular disruptions in face-to-face learning.

Denver7 is conducting a 360-degree study, discussing with parents, public health authorities, and pediatricians how to decide when to safely send a child to school.

Is it COVID-19 or is it a cold?

Monica Federico, a pediatric pulmonologist in a children’s hospital, understands why this is difficult for parents.

“It’s normal for kindergarten kids and small kindergarten kids to get up to 12 to 14 illnesses a year, so they may always feel sick,” Federico said. rice field.

Federico pointed out that these diseases can be confused with COVID-19.Doctors, especially delta variants Symptoms such as runny nose, sore throat, headache..

Dr. John Douglas, Executive Director of the Tri-County Health Department, Poor air quality People wake up from a wildfire with a sore throat and a stuffy nose.

“I think the challenge is in the gray area,” Douglas said.

Both Douglas and Federico said the simple answer was to leave the child at home if he was ill. Be aware of symptoms that look new or unusual.There is also Specific symptomsLike a fever, you have to keep your child at home.

Children can lose learning time

Jennifer Manis of Highlands Ranch is worried that her sons will be absent from school for a few days if they find it only cold, as the school district strives to meet their children as closely as possible this year. increase.

“(The school) doesn’t plan for any kind of simultaneous virtual learning, so how can we keep up with our kids,” says Manis.

Districts such as Douglas County, Adams 12, and Cherry Creek have told Denver 7 that homework and isolated students will be given homework and learning opportunities, but it is not clear how rigorous the learning will be.

Challenge to working parents

Fortunately for Manis, her three boys are old enough to stay home alone when they get sick. However, parents with young children may want to keep their babysitter on standby.

Christina Cell’s Bevard has begun There is backup care there To help parents in a pinch.

“We are here for last-minute care of all kinds, and we can support you here and there for two weeks each, if you want,” says Bevard.

Beberd has a network of nannies throughout the metropolitan area, all of which must be vaccinated against COVID-19. The company screens potential customers for their potential exposure to COVID-19, but may still be able to care for a slightly sick child.

“If it’s a difficult situation, we give all that information to the nanny and let her make the decision,” Beberd said.

Employer needs to prepare

Bevard wants employers to understand the challenges facing employees with children this year. Workers may need to call for illness more often if the child is at home in the cold or is isolated due to exposure to COVID-19.

Pediatrician Sonal Patel said he hopes the pandemic will teach adults and children that it’s okay to have a sick day when they need it.

“The community has the role of saying,’You are sick.’ I’m not going to put pressure on you. I’m going to heal your body, and then we go back to school or work, “Patel said.

Ultimately, Manis said he understands the need to protect children and adults in other schools in the community by keeping them home if they are not completely healthy.

“I would rather let them be careful and make my kid a school superspreader,” Manis said.

Editor’s Note: The Denver7 360 story explores multiple aspects of the most important topics for Coloradans, incorporating different perspectives and allowing you to make your own decisions about the problem. To comment on this story or any other 360 story, please email us at: [email protected].. See more 360 ​​stories here..





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