Butler County Judge Orders Hospital to Treat COVID-19 Patients With Drugs
Butler County judge last week tried to force hospitals to administer ivermectin, an anthelmintic drug that federal regulators have warned of use in COVID-19 patients, after suffering from the disease in the ICU for several weeks. I have ruled in favor of women. ..
Butler County Civil Litigation Judge Gregory Howard ordered Westchester Hospital, part of the University of Cincinnati network, treats 51-year-old Jeffrey Smith with ivermectin. An order filed on August 23 forced the hospital to provide Smith with 30 mg of ivermectin daily for three weeks.
The drug was originally developed to exterminate livestock before doctors began using it for human parasitic diseases.Some researchers Received the Nobel Prize in 2015 To establish its effectiveness in humans. It is used to treat head lice, onchocerciasis (river blindness) and other illnesses.
Both the US Food and Drug Administration and the US Centers for Disease Control and Prevention Warned Americans about the use of ivermectin To treat the viral disease COVID-19. They say it has not been proven as a cure and can be dangerous and seriously harmful if taken in large doses.Review of available literature conducted earlier this month Journal Nature It turns out that there is no certainty in the available data on the potential benefits of ivermectin.
The drug is gaining popularity among conservatives, boosted by support from allies of former President Donald Trump, such as US Senator Ron Johnson and R-Wisconsin. Or Fox News personalities Laura Ingraham and Sean Hannity. CDC warned Reports of poisoning associated with the use of ivermectin It tripled this year and surged in July.
Julie Smith Proceedings On behalf of her 24-year-old husband. He tested positive for COVID-19 on 9 July, was admitted to the ICU on 15 July, and was sedated and intubated on 1 August and placed on a ventilator. According to court records.
The proceedings did not mention whether Jeffrey Smith was vaccinated against COVID-19. However, the overwhelming majority of people currently hospitalized with COVID-19 are not vaccinated. According to data from the Ohio Ministry of Health, about 21,000 people in Ohio who were hospitalized with COVID-19 after January 1 were vaccinated only about 500.
Julie Smith discovered ivermectin herself and connected with Dr. Fred Wagshur, an Ohio doctor. In her case, she was described as “one of the leading people in using ivermectin for the treatment of COVID-19.” He prescribed the drug, and the hospital refused to administer it.
A hospital spokeswoman said he could not comment on the proceedings and that federal patient privacy law does not allow him to comment on details of patient care.
Smith is represented by New York lawyer Ralph Lorigo, chairman of the Erie County Conservative Party in New York.Filed one similar proceeding against a hospital in the Chicago area When Two more in Buffalo.. He did not answer emails or phone calls.
The Ohio proceedings refer to the frontline Covid-19 Critical Care Alliance.Non-profit organization Among them, Wagshur is listed as a founding doctor. Tissues are marketing ivermectin for both prevention and treatment of COVID-19. Its “How to Get Ivermectin” section includes prices and locations of pharmacies that supply ivermectin, from Afghanistan to Fort Lauderdale, Pennsylvania, and Sao Paulo, Brazil.
In an interview, Wagshul said the science behind the use of ivermectin in patients with COVID-19 is “irrefutable.” He said the CDC and FDA were involved in a “conspiracy” to block the use of the COVID-19 vaccine in order to protect the FDA’s emergency use authorization. He said mainstream and social media companies are “censoring” the benefits of ivermectin, and refusing to acknowledge the benefits of the US government is equivalent to a genocide.
“If we look at other countries and allow them [COVID-19] Daily death … We would have been screaming, “Genocide!” He said.
Mr. Wagshul said there was no financial stake in the sale of ivermectin.
Dr. Leanne Chrisman-Khawam, Ph.D., Physician and Professor of Osteopathic Medicine, Ohio University, called FLCCCA the “Snake Oil Salesman.”She is of the association research Regarding drug use, the cited studies stated that there were some serious problems: many of them did not show positive results and had design flaws such as small controls. Vaccines and masking practices that do not consider mitigation, such as things, variables-free, open-label studies, etc.
“Based on evidence-based medicine and my reading on this number of small studies, I find this very suspicious, even with positive results,” she said.
Some state officials refused to comment on the issue. State pharmacy spokesman Cameron McNamee referred to the state medical committee, the Attorney General, and the Ohio Hospital Association for inquiries.
A doctor-licensed state medical committee spokesman said his jurisdiction was on his practice and how he supported standard treatment rather than proceedings.
Attorney General Dave Yost’s spokeswoman declined to comment and referred the inquiry to the pharmacy and veterinary commission.
A spokesman for the Ohio Hospital Association called the case “interesting,” but said it needed to be consulted with the legal team before commenting.
As more morally and ethically informed, the new legislation passed in this summer’s state budget gives healthcare providers “freedom to refuse to perform” services that violate their “conscience.” It is unknown why the hospital did not defend under or religious beliefs.
As of Friday afternoon, Westchester Hospital lawyer information was not in court documents.
This report was originally published in the Ohio Capital Journal
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