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Very rare and serious side effects of COVID-19 vaccine in North Dakota


Only 50% of eligible residents of North Dakota are fully immunized to the disease, making the state the bottom 10 in the country. Lack of vaccine acceptance is mainly caused by vaccine skeptics. Forget the shot.

However, state immune program manager Molly Howell said those who refused the vaccine for health reasons should be more concerned about COVID-19 getting them into the hospital.

As of Thursday, September 2, more than 349,000 people in North Dakota had received at least one COVID-19 vaccine, known by the state as the Centers for Disease Control and Prevention’s vaccine monitoring database. Vaccine Adverse Event Reporting System, Or VAERS.

Moderna's COVID-19 vaccine syringes and vials are located on the table at the Jamestown Community Medical Center.John Steiner / Forum News Service

Moderna’s COVID-19 vaccine syringes and vials are located on the table at the Jamestown Community Medical Center.John Steiner / Forum News Service

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The database contains a record of the symptoms people experienced after vaccination, but the CDC does not determine whether the adverse event was actually caused by a COVID-19 vaccinated patient. I will deny it. Some rare symptoms reported in the database, such as femoral fractures, gout, and iron deficiency, are unlikely to have been caused by the vaccine.

As the agency pays attention to that Website, Reports may be incomplete or inaccurate, “The number of reports alone cannot be interpreted or used to draw conclusions about the existence, severity, frequency, or proportion of vaccine-related problems. “.

The most common symptoms reported to federal agencies by North Dakota health care providers and vaccinators were headache, malaise, pain at the injection site, and fever. All of these are minor side effects that can be associated with many types of vaccines.

However, vaccines are associated with some serious, but generally non-life-threatening reactions, Howell said. Allergies to the components of the vaccine can cause someone to fall into anaphylaxis, but it is very rare. Only five cases from North Dakota have been reported to VAERS. Howell states that the only people over the age of 12 who should not take the vaccine are those who are known to be allergic to p.Oriethylene glycol or other vaccine ingredient.

Myocarditis, an inflammation of the heart, is very rarely associated with the Modana and Pfizer vaccines, and only two such events occur in North Dakota.Howell quoted Recent research It turns out that myocarditis is much more likely to occur as a symptom of COVID-19 than a vaccine.

Johnson & Johnson vaccines are rarely associated with blood clotting and Guillain-Barré syndrome, with eight events of the former and two events of the latter reported to the CDC by North Dakota.

Thirty-two deaths after vaccination in North Dakota were reported to VAERS, but none were due to COVID-19 shot on the death certificate, Howell said. Howell said the deaths included in the database were those who happened to die after vaccination, and if more than 300,000 people were given sugar tablets to North Dakota, some of them soon after taking them. You will die from an unrelated cause.

Overall, the rate of reporting the COVID-19 vaccine to VAERS is slightly higher than other immunizations, but Howell says with the unprecedented scrutiny it was placed in the jab and the large consequences of it being administered. I said it could be.

The bottom line is that Food and Drug Administration officials considered adverse events and side effects when evaluating vaccines and would not have approved the shot if they caused more harm than good, Howell said. Said.

According to Howell, the vaccine provides important protection against serious illness and hospitalization from COVID-19. The benefits of vaccination outweigh the slight risk of firing, as one in 500 people in North Dakota died of the disease and more were hospitalized and experienced long-term symptoms. it is clear.




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