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According to the CDC, 75% of adults in the United States receive at least one COVID-19 vaccine.


Three-quarters of adults in the United States have been vaccinated with the COVID-19 vaccine at least once, the US Centers for Disease Control and Prevention announced this week. This is a notable milestone as we are facing a resurgence of new infectious diseases caused by Delta. Mutant.

This number was marked on Tuesday by White House COVID-19 Data Director Cyrus Shahpar Saying on twitter Starting Sunday, 681,000 people have been newly vaccinated. Shahpar added that a total of 1.51 million doses were given between Sunday and Tuesday.

The country has reached a 75% milestone More than a month after finally reaching President Joe Biden’s marker 70% of adults wanted to achieve this by July 4th with at least one injection, but were stalled by hesitation and diminishing demand for vaccines.

CDC Vaccine Tracker Show Currently, 64.3% of adults in the United States are fully vaccinated. Of the Americans aged 12 and over who are currently eligible for vaccination, 62.3% of the population is fully vaccinated.

Agency figures include vaccines developed by Pfizer-BioNTech, Modana, Johnson & Johnson. In the United States, Pfizer’s double-dose vaccine was given more than 214 million times, followed by Modana’s double-dose vaccine, 147 million times, and Johnson & Johnson’s single-dose vaccine, 14.5 million times. I have.

Vaccinations have increased in the last few weeks. According to the United States, it received more than 826,000 doses on Tuesday, but 513,000 doses in early July. Our world in data, A collaborative project between Oxford University researchers and the non-profit Global Change Data Lab.

Coronavirus Vaccination Clinic at Rio Hondo University in Whittier.

File-On September 1, 2021 in Whitia, California, a nurse administered the COVID-19 vaccine to a Rio Hondo baseball player at the Coronavirus Vaccination Clinic at the University of Rio Hondo. (Photo courtesy of Keith Birmingham / MediaNews Group / Pasadena Star-News via Get

With the prevalence of highly contagious delta variants of the coronavirus, the urgency of vaccination of the population is increasing, which leads to new cases, hospitalizations, mainly among unvaccinated people. Deaths are on the rise.

On Labor Day weekend, In the United States, the number of COVID-19 cases has nearly quadrupled. Compared to the same period in 2020, according to Oxford University.

On September 5, 2020, the weekly average number of new daily COVID-19 cases in the country was 41,488, data show. A year later, that number increased to 163,728. This is about four times that amount. According to the same chart, the number of deaths was almost double that of a year ago.

U.S. health officials continue to promote vaccination, and it is often said that vaccines can almost completely prevent viral deaths and serious illnesses.US Surgeon General Vivek Murthy Previously declared incorrect information Public health threats to the COVID-19 vaccine.

The CDC states that current vaccines are still very effective To prevent serious illness and death, including for Delta strains. However, in late July authorities recommended that fully vaccinated people wear masks indoors again. Delta variants are more infectious than other variants, citing new data showing that some vaccinated individuals may also be more infectious.

In addition to the currently predominant delta mutations, experts say that breakthrough infections combine weakened immunity from people vaccinated eight months ago with reduced community mitigation measures to stop the spread. It states that it may be.

US health officials have also announced plans to administer COVID-19 booster shots to all Americans for enhanced protection, awaiting approval from the US Food and Drug Administration and the CDC.

Related: COVID-19 variant mu detected in 49 states

This story was reported by Cincinnati. Contributed by The Associated Press.




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