Twenty years later, medical claims from survivors of 9/11 are increasing
Established after the 9/11 terrorist attacks on September 11, 2001, two federal funds paid about $ 12 billion to first responders, survivors and families of people who died or became ill as a result of the catastrophic incident. I did.
In recent years, survivor claims have increased, most of them from people diagnosed with cancer. Twenty years later, there are still significant ongoing medical costs associated with that day.
Michael O’Connell rushed to the World Trade Center in Lower Manhattan, Manhattan as a firefighter on 9/11 and worked at Ground Zero for the next few weeks.
Five years later he became ill.
“It was December 31, 2006, so I know the exact date,” O’Connell said.
New Year’s Eve. He went to bed feeling healthy that night, but when he woke up the next morning, he said, “I literally had swollen limbs and swollen ankles. All my joints were inflamed. My body was inflamed. , It swelled to twice the size. “
Pulmonologists have discovered that there is a rare autoimmune disorder called sarcoidosis that attacks the skin and joints. The doctor told him he had inhaled the toxin and got it.
“The material exposed to the responders and survivors when the tower collapsed was very toxic,” he said. Dr. Michael CraneTreating many 9.11 first responders through the World Trade Center Health Program Clinic in Mount Sinai, New York.
“That means that a huge, huge burning building is collapsing. Everything inside is burning, and it collapses into a mountain, and becomes a huge cloud of dust,” he says. I did.
Many firefighters, police officers, and others at Ground Zero began to get sick almost immediately.
First, what they called the World Trade Center cough. Next, post-traumatic stress disorder and depression. Eventually, after a few years, it will get cancer.
“This exposure … has a really, really long tail,” Crane said.
Anyone who develops a 9/11-related illness can get free medical care through the World Trade Center Health Program.
However, there are probably many who are dealing with 9/11 related health issues, said Michael Barash, a lawyer for 9/11 survivors. This could include people who lived, worked, or attended school near the WTC.
“More than 80% of respondents such as firefighters, police officers and sanitary workers are enrolled in this free health program, but less than 10% of non-respondents are enrolled,” said Barasch. ..
both World Trade Center Health Program And that Victim Compensation Fund Re-approved until 2090. But supporters say they need more money.
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