How the flu spreads-is the flu in the air?
By now, you will probably remember all the possible ways you can get COVID-19 (New Coronavirus Infection).. So if you feel like an armchair infection expert, you may be wondering how other illnesses in your life, like the flu, are spreading.
Indeed, you actually know that doing your best to avoid good finger hygiene and sick people throughout your life is a good way to lower you. Influenza risk..But what about the flu For real Spread it? Is the flu flying in the air? Here’s what you need to know:
What is influenza?
Influenza is an infectious respiratory disease called by the influenza virus. Centers for Disease Control and Prevention (CDC). There are two main types of influenza, influenza A and influenza B, which cause a seasonal influenza pandemic every year.
Influenza can cause mild to severe illness, which can lead to hospitalization and death from the virus.
So how does the flu spread?
Influenza spreads mainly from person to person, CDC Infected people say they can spread the virus to people up to 6 feet away. Influenza usually spreads through the respiratory droplets that appear when an infected person coughs, sneezes, or speaks.
Then those droplets can land on Mouth or nose The number of people nearby or inhaled into the lungs (it’s terrible, yes); these then make them sick. Although less common, the CDC states that you can get the flu by touching an infected surface or object and then touching your mouth, nose, or eyes.
Is the influenza virus levitating?
It’s possible, but it’s not the main way to get the flu. NS Levitating particles Are small particles that can remain suspended in the air for a period of time. Dr. Richard Watkins, MD, an infectious disease specialist and professor of internal medicine at the Northeastern Ohio Medical College, says that the respiratory droplets are so heavy that they quickly fall to the ground after being expelled from a person.
According to the CDC, influenza spreads primarily through respiratory droplets.But it also says Aerial transmission can It occurs, but it is less common than over droplets rather than over long distances.
“Influenza, like many respiratory viruses, has some components of airborne spread and some of the respiratory droplet spread,” said an infectious disease, a senior scholar at the Johns Hopkins Health and Security Center. Expert Amesh A. Adalja, Doctor of Medicine, explains. “It’s really a continuum.”
There are some situations in which the flu is likely to produce aerosols and float in the air, such as when a person is intubated in a hospital, says Dr. Adalja.But he emphasizes that this is different from the highly contagious aerial virus. Like measles, This mainly spreads in the air.
I agree with Dr. William Schaffner, MD, an infectious disease expert and professor of medicine at Vanderbilt University School of Medicine. “The data show that this only happens in certain situations,” he says. “The flu is overwhelmingly spread by close personal contact,” Dr. Schaffner points out, but in winter when the air is dry, the flu is more likely to be in the air. “The little liquid that covers the particles evaporates and isn’t that heavy,” he says. “That’s one of the reasons why influenza is considered more common in winter. At that time, the air is drier.”
Do COVID-19 precautions protect people from the flu?
definitely. “Wearing a mask, social distance, and washing your hands are effective ways to avoid the flu,” says Dr. Watkins. “That’s why we saw last year Record low number Of cases of influenza. “
“Last season, there was almost no flu and everyone was at home, washing their hands and wearing masks,” says Dr. Schaffner. “It all had a big impact on the reduction of the flu virus.”
However, please note that the COVID-19 vaccine cannot protect you from the flu.
What else can we do to stop the flu epidemic?
Get vaccinated Against the flu Dr. Adalja says. Influenza vaccines have been shown to reduce the risk of influenza-related illnesses and complications that can lead to hospitalization and death. CDC I’m pointing out.
Some other tips from the CDC:
- Keep away from sick people
- Cover coughing and sneezing
- Wash your hands frequently
If the risk of influenza complications is high, Dr. Schaffner recommends that you do your best to stay socially distant when the flu is endemic in your community. “Maybe I’ll rent a movie instead of going to a movie,” he says.
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