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Obstetrician Gauthami Bhagwanani calls on pregnant women to get the COVID-19 vaccine

Obstetrician Gauthami Bhagwanani calls on pregnant women to get the COVID-19 vaccine


An obstetrician working at a COVID-19 hotspot in Sydney called on pregnant women to be vaccinated. It states that giving birth to a preterm baby and separating the newborn from the mother due to the virus is “painful”.

Gauthami Bhagwanani, director of the birthing unit at Liverpool Hospital, appeared with Gladys Berejiklian in a premier COVID media briefing, explaining what she saw in person.

Since the outbreak of Delta began in June, there have been many confirmed cases in which pregnant women were placed in the intensive care unit and had to give birth early for ventilation.

Dr. Bhagwanani explained that pregnant women infected with COVID-19 double the risk of stillbirth and hospitalization in the intensive care unit.

She also said that pregnant women are at increased risk of needing a ventilator or premature birth.

Pregnant women are currently the priority group for Pfizer vaccination, and the Royal Australian and New Zealand Obstetricians and Medical Colleges recommend receiving Pfizer or Moderna at any stage of pregnancy.

We advise that it is safe for pregnant and lactating women to take AstraZeneca.

“It’s not the vaccine, it’s the COVID-19 infection itself that poses the greatest risk to women and their babies,” Dr. Bagwanani argued in social media that vaccines can cause childbirth problems. I warned.

This is an edited copy of what she said.

I am the director of the maternity unit at Liverpool Hospital, one of the COVID Referral Centers in the Southwest.

I am an obstetrician and have taken care of pregnant women throughout this pandemic, including women who are very ill with COVID-19 infection.

I am here today and recommend that all women who are planning to become pregnant, are currently pregnant, and breastfeeding should be vaccinated with the COVID vaccine.

Currently, the two vaccines recommended for pregnant women are the Pfizer vaccine, which is already available, and the Moderna vaccine, which will be available soon.

Except for pregnancy, all vaccines are safe, including AstraZeneca. You can use this if you are planning to become pregnant or breastfeed.

The concept of vaccination for pregnant women is not new.

For many years, I have been vaccinated against influenza and whooping cough on a regular basis.

I understand that the concept of COVID vaccine may be involved, and it seems that the approval and implementation of the vaccine was very quick, but the technology behind vaccine development has been around for about 10 years. Exists.

Many women are worried that the side effects of vaccines during pregnancy have not been well studied.

We would like to reassure you that the safety profile of vaccines during pregnancy is widely studied.

In Australia, there is the additional benefit of seeing the vaccine’s effectiveness in pregnant women abroad.

Over 100,000 women were included in studies from the United States and the United Kingdom.

These are not adversely affecting your baby.

Vaccines do not increase the risk of miscarriage or structural abnormalities in the baby.

It does not affect your childbirth.

It is the COVID-19 infection itself, not the vaccine, that poses the greatest risk to women and their babies.

Infection with COVID-19 during pregnancy doubles the risk of requiring ICU admission, increases the risk of requiring invasive ventilation, and increases the risk of preterm birth.

It also doubles the risk of stillbirth.

Most of the women admitted to our hospital are unvaccinated and none are fully vaccinated.

Vaccination with the COVID-19 vaccine during pregnancy or breastfeeding can help protect why your baby and family are at home, not just yourself.

Antibodies produced after vaccination are passed on to the baby and provide some protection to the baby.

Vaccination can also prevent COVID-19 from being transmitted to other children and other members of the family.

Similarly, to protect you and your baby, other members of your family (including support personnel who come with you at birth) need to be vaccinated.

It is painful to see a woman and her family separated because of COVID.

It is painful to give birth to a baby prematurely because the mother is very ill.

It was painful to separate the baby from his mother and father because he needed to be admitted to a nursery school and his parents were ill and unable to visit.

I am in a new mom.

Most of us spend a lot of time eating the right food, exercising, and making sure we’re doing everything we can to get the baby the best start in life.

Vaccination with COVID-19 is the best thing you can do to protect your baby in this climate.

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