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Health union proposes 9-point plan for safe restart of NHS


For the NHS to resume day-to-day operations, 16 medical unions say rapid-fire tests and sufficient access to personal protective equipment must be available.

These requirements are part of a nine-point plan advocated by unions such as Unison, the Royal College of Nursing, Unite, and GMB, mapping how to safely resume routine services during the Covid-19 epidemic. ..

The union also said that staff working in times of crisis should be given overtime pay and the government should not freeze salaries in the public sector.

However, Telegraph According to a report, the Treasury Department’s assessment of the Covid-19 pandemic could threaten nearly £ 300bn of wallet from the crisis in 2020, with a two-year public sector wage freeze that led to bookkeeping. You can balance.

The NHS England has already told hospitals that it should resume routine, non-urgent operations and procedures that were discontinued during the pandemic. Bend over To a record low level.

Cancer treatment and screening are pending in Wales, Scotland, and Northern Ireland, but few hospitalizations occur in the United Kingdom.

However, the union feels that the NHS should ensure the safety of its staff and patients and that outpatient visits and surgical procedures should be resumed.

They also said they needed to avoid a front-line deficiency of PPE as it caused “widespread anxiety” and undermined the trust of key personnel.

Experts, meanwhile, say that rehabilitation of NHS services before a pandemic can take months.

“The staff and patient safety are paramount when hospitals get busy and clinics and other services begin to resume,” said Sarah Gorton of the Unison Trade Union. Cannot happen without a supply of.

“Working with Covid was a big challenge, but the next phase will be an important test.”

The union-proposed plan also aims to ensure that social distances are adequately maintained and staff are allowed to work from home. It also requires regular relocations so staff are not overwhelmed.

Trade unions claim that about 40,000 staff members who returned to the NHS during the crisis could be moved to assist in less populated areas.

NHS Employers CEO Danny Mortimer says there is no “return to normal business” within the NHS and a complete “reset” to ensure the long-term health of staff. States.

He said: “Health leaders want to establish impact on their staff over the last few months and are the best way to improve the way they are watched over in the longer term.”


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