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US Coronavirus: The FDA’s Conference on Covid-19 Boosters may not provide answers to all questions, experts say

US Coronavirus: The FDA’s Conference on Covid-19 Boosters may not provide answers to all questions, experts say


“I think what we hear from the FDA Advisory Board is probably a go-ahead to boost people over the age of 60,” said Dr. Jonathan Reiner, CNN Medical Analyst. “The question is what does this mean for young people. Do we need to start boosting them now?”

Three reports released on Wednesday Supporting the argument that Pfizer’s Covid-19 vaccine boost may be needed over time is the data discussed by the FDA’s Vaccine Advisor seeking approval for a third boost by Pfizer. Part of the batch. People 6 months after the first two vaccinations.

“Usually, we have a pretty good idea of ​​how (these meetings) take place ahead of schedule,” said Sanjay Gupta, CNN’s chief medical correspondent. “I have to say, I’m not sure about this.”

Gupta states that the open questions include: How serious is a breakthrough infection? How long will the booster effect last? And how much does the booster reduce transmission?

The question is influenced by where the United States stands in the pandemic.

Percentage of fully vaccinated population- Currently, it accounts for about 54.2% of the total population. -Cases are on the rise, well below what experts have said need to slow or stop the spread.

The advisor will review the data to balance the increase in infectious and serious illnesses facing the United States with safety and efficacy, Reiner said.

“We want them to do this, we welcome this, but my guess is that we wouldn’t hear a kind of full opening of boosters for the whole population.” Reiner said.

Covid-19 Pandemic Gap

New studies show that pandemics have different impacts on different populations, and colored races are under heavy burden.

Blacks, people over 40, and people with pre-existing conditions may suffer from long Covid symptoms that affected one-third of Covid-19 patients, according to a study by the California Department of Health and Human Services. The sex is the highest. ..

The most common extended symptoms were malaise, followed by taste and smell loss, the team reported in a weekly report from the Centers for Disease Control and Prevention. Weekly morbidity and mortality reports.
There is no doubt about the effectiveness of the vaccine, as the FDA is considering the possibility of booster shots.

“The probability of symptoms appearing two months after a positive SARS-CoV-2 test was significantly higher among women, those with at least one pre-existing condition, and those aged 40-54 years,” they write. ing.

Blacks had a higher incidence of dyspnea, joint pain, and myalgia than other racial and ethnic groups. These results indicate that demographic disparities in extended Covid-19 symptoms need to be monitored.

When Analysis released Thursday by the Kaiser Family Foundation Race-based disparities between children were found to reflect disparities between adults.

Compared to white children, colored children have more cases, deaths, and more pandemic-related mental health and academic problems. According to analysis, it is the most vulnerable, but less likely to be vaccinated.

Hospitalization and death of Covid-19 is rare among children compared to adults, but hospitalized children are more likely to be black and Hispanic. Black and hispanic children were more likely to suffer from a Covid-19-related condition called MIS-C (a multisystem inflammatory syndrome in children), and black children were more likely to be admitted to the intensive care unit. ..

Black, Hispanic, Native American, and Alaska Native children were more likely to die of Covid-19 than white children.

“Since children make up a significant part of the population and are more racially diverse than other populations, fair vaccination between this group is key to achieving high vaccination rates across the population. Yes, it may help reduce vaccination disparities, and we value it more broadly. “

Prepare a syringe with the Pfizer vaccine at the Reading Area Community College Clinic in Reading, Pennsylvania.

Masks help block airborne propagation, studies show

Meanwhile, new research Published this week Alpha variants of the coronavirus have been shown to spread more easily when people breathe and talk, but even the simplest masks have shown that infection can be significantly reduced.

“Our latest research provides further evidence of the importance of airborne transmission,” said Dr. Don Milton, a professor of environmental health at the University of Maryland’s School of Public Health.

The local health department is planning the possibility of deploying a Covid-19 booster, but there is still

Intensive research conducted at the University of Maryland, the Walterreed Army Institute, and others has shown that people shed the virus from their breathing and saliva-now widely accepted that the virus spreads to droplets of all sizes. Discovers that support the idea of ​​falling on the surface or floating in the air. They measured RNA, the most commonly used genetic material for detecting viruses.

The team found that when the mask was loose, about 50% of the particles containing the virus did not come out.

Milton said he is currently testing what happens with the Delta or B.1.617.2 variants. It is much more infectious than Alpha and currently accounts for almost all infections in the United States.

However, the implications of the Alpha findings are clear.

“SARS-CoV-2 is evolving towards more efficient aerosol production, and loose masks provide important but adequate source control, so continue until vaccination rates are very high. You’ll need layered management and a snug mask and respiratory system, “the team wrote.

“We know that the delta subspecies that are currently circulating are more contagious than the alpha subspecies. Our research shows that the subspecies continue to be better at moving in the air. , You need to improve ventilation and wear a mask that fits snugly. Vaccination to stop the spread of the virus. “

CNN Virginia Langmaid, Jen Kristensen, and Maggie Fox contributed to this report.





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