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Worldwide, numbers reveal horrific victims of nursing home death | World News



Swedish health officials blame higher mortality rates in nursing homes on higher death rates in Denmark than in Denmark’s adjacent Denmark, Norway and Finland.

Approximately 90% of 3,700 people who died of coronavirus Sweden According to the Swedish National Welfare Committee survey at the end of April, over 70 years of age and half lived in nursing homes.

“We have failed to protect the elderly. It’s really a serious failure for society as a whole,” Health Minister Lena Harenglen told Swedish television.


More than half of the country’s coronavirus victims die in nursing homes. Nursing home workers say the sector was initially overlooked, plagued by shortages of masks and rising hand sanitizers.

“Belgian society has determined that the lives of these trapped seniors are far less than the lives of so-called” activists, “writes social scientist Jeffrey Players. Rousseau last month.

More than three-quarters (77%) of deaths in nursing homes are suspected, Belgium We overestimate death due to coronavirus. The Belgian Crisis Center, which collates the data, argues that its approach is more transparent.


The country was shocked when at the end of March it was revealed that the Secretary of Defense had found a soldier who had been sterilized in a house to have abandoned some older people and died in bed.

The central government has requested 17 local governments in the country to provide figures for deaths in nursing homes, but has not yet published them. However, the local governments of Madrid and Catalonia have released their own numbers on people who died in nursing homes due to the virus or died while presenting symptoms consistent with the virus.

In Madrid, the total number of Covid or alleged Covid deaths since March 8 was 5,886 on Thursday. In Catalonia it was 3,375. Among them, deaths in nursing homes in two areas account for more than one-third of all coronavirus deaths in the country.


Coronavirus deaths in an Italian nursing home were revealed when newspapers began reporting on the issue in early April.

The main focus is on the nursing homes in Milan, which has an unusually high death toll in March with more than 1,000 residents. A survey began and nursing home staff found that between January and April, 300 people died.

Of the 900 people still at home, 34% were positive for Covid-19. Higher education institutions in Italy have found that between February 1 and April 17, there were 6,773 deaths in all nursing homes, 40% of which were due to Covid-19.


One of the first coronavirus cases in the United States Confirmed By the Centers for Disease Control in Washington at the end of January. By the end of March, outbreaks in the United States were concentrated in one nursing home, a life care center in Kirkland, King County, affecting more than three-quarters of the population and killing 40 people. Staff who did multiple jobs without thinking Carried the virus To other care facilities in the area.

For a variety of reasons, including privatized health care systems in the United States, existing problems with infection control in nursing homes in the United States, lack of federal government leadership in pandemics, and changes in the spread of the virus across other states. The lessons from King have not been learned.

Residents of nursing homes account for a staggering proportion of deaths at Covid-19 in the United States, with more than 85,000 deaths. Informally compiled data show that such deaths account for more than half of all deaths in 14 states, according to the Kaiser Family Foundation. However, only 33 states have reported deaths related to nursing homes, and the true scope of the state-wide problem remains unknown.


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