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The CDC will publish Pfizer COVID Vaccine Booster Guidelines, followed by Modena and J & J.What you need to know

The CDC will publish Pfizer COVID Vaccine Booster Guidelines, followed by Modena and J & J.What you need to know



US health officials recommend that adults take booster shots.

Sarah Tew / CNET

For the latest news and information about the coronavirus pandemic, Who When CDC website.

Pfizer’s COVID-19 Vaccine Booster First Received OK From the Centers for Disease Control and Prevention Modeler booster When Johnson & amp; Johnson
You may not be too late in the approval process.

COVID-19 vaccine available in the US continues Highly effective For prevention of hospitalization. During the summer Delta variant In the United States, the number of cases, hospitalizations, and deaths from COVID-19 has skyrocketed. Unvaccinated people account for almost all hospitalizations and deaths-more than 97% as of July.

The promotion of vaccine boosters is based on studies that suggest that the effectiveness of vaccines may decline over time.Additional shots provide enhanced protection against spikes COVID-19 Delta VariantEspecially for those who are most vulnerable to infection.

Read what we know about today’s COVID-19 booster shots. Who can get them now, why they are needed, and so on.It also explains how they relate to each other. Breakthrough infectious disease And the controversy surrounds the shot. I recently updated this story.

When will COVID Booster Shots be available?

If you are fully vaccinated Pfizer vaccine Meet the eligibility requirements and booster shots are now available. The booster requirements guidelines set by the CDC include long-term facility residents aged 65 and over, individuals aged 18-64 with underlying illness, and individuals aged 18-64 who are at high risk for work. ..

The CDC decision applies only to those who have been vaccinated with Pfizer vaccine, modern Also Johnson & Johnson vaccination. Recommendations for boosters of these two vaccines are expected in the coming weeks, US surgeon General Bibek Mercy said on Friday..

Do you need booster shots now?

“Recent data show that protection against mild and moderate illnesses has declined over time,” Mercy insisted on launching the booster program now.

However, Write in The Lanclet this week, A group of scientists said, “Because of weakened immunity, the general population may eventually need a boost,” but the vaccine is against COVID-19 and delta mutants. Will continue to be effective. “Therefore, the current evidence does not seem to indicate the need to boost the general public,” they wrote. Instead, scientists recommend using the current vaccine supply for those at risk of serious illness and vaccination for those who have not yet been vaccinated.

Didn’t the Biden administration encourage everyone to get booster shots?

In August, health officials in the Byden administration recommended additional vaccinations for Americans over the age of 18 who were fully vaccinated against Physer or Moderna, and eight months after being fully vaccinated. I made a suggestion.

“We believe that a third dose will eventually be needed to provide the maximum and continuous protection people think they need from the virus,” said Mercy. “Our plan is to stay ahead of the virus by preparing to provide COVID-19 booster shots to fully vaccinated adults over the age of 18.”

This week, but both FDA When CDC We have narrowed the guidelines for those who can receive Pfizer shots to the most vulnerable.

How does FDA approval of Pfizer’s vaccine affect boosters?

August 23, FDA Approves Pfizer’s COVID-19 Vaccine For two doses for people 16 years and older. The Pfizer vaccine was first FDA approved, but the Moderna and Johnson & Johnson vaccines are available under an emergency use authorization.And for Children 12 to 15 years old, Pfizer vaccines are licensed for emergency use.

Some medical professionals believe that two-shot approval could help those who were waiting for the FDA before they were vaccinated.Approval can also lead to more businesses, schools and venues Mandatory vaccine requirements..

How about Johnson & Johnson Booster?

August 25, Johnson & Johnson said COVID-19 vaccine booster shots increase the antibody response of people who receive the company’s single-dose vaccine, based on interim data from early trials. Health officials in the Biden administration expect that those who receive a single Johnson & Johnson vaccination will need another jab, but said further research is needed.

The company said it would work with public health officials to plan booster shots for more than eight months after the first dose of the vaccine, but no time frame has been set. Currently, Johnson & Johnson single dose vaccines are available under an emergency use authorization for individuals over the age of 18.

Who else qualifies for booster shots?

Some immunocompromised people who are already eligible under the CDC guidelines can go out and get a third dose of the COVID-19 vaccine immediately. The list of currently eligible people includes those who have “equivalent levels of immunodeficiency” to solid organ transplant recipients, have a reduced ability to fight infection, and are more vulnerable to the coronavirus. ..

Among those immunocompromised people, the booster recommendation is for people over the age of 18 with the Moderna vaccine. The FDA did not allow additional doses of Johnson & Johnson vaccine. Due to the lack of data, the CDC does not recommend a second dose to immunocompromised people who have been vaccinated with the one-shot vaccine.

According to the CDC, about 3% of adults in the United States have weakened immunity, but studies show that about 3% of adults in the United States have weakened immunity. 44% of hospitalized breakthroughs A case of COVID-19. Not only are they very likely to get sick with COVID-19, but they also have a low antibody response to the vaccine and an increased risk of transmitting the virus.

People with other conditions such as diabetes and heart disease are not advised to get a booster, at least for now. The following is a list of people who are recommended by the CDC to receive additional vaccinations if they receive the Pfizer or Moderna vaccine.

  • People with advanced or untreated HIV infection.
  • Cancer patients and transplant recipients taking certain immunosuppressive drugs.
  • People who are receiving aggressive cancer treatment for tumors or blood cancers.
  • People with moderate or severe primary immunodeficiency.
  • Patients treated with high doses of corticosteroids or other drugs that may suppress the immune response.
  • People who have had a stem cell transplant within the last two years and are taking certain medications. The CDC tells you to talk to your healthcare provider about your health and whether the third shot is appropriate.

If you’re not sure if you’re eligible, the CDC will tell you to talk to your healthcare provider about your health and whether a third dose is appropriate.

Are booster shots free?

The current single-dose vaccine from Johnson & Johnson and the double-dose vaccine from Moderna and Pfizer are available free of charge to anyone who wants to be vaccinated. Also, additional shots will be free.

“These booster shots are free,” Biden said. “It’s easy. Just show your vaccination card and you’ll get a booster. No other ID. No insurance. No state registration requirements.”

“Getting a booster shot is as easy and convenient as taking the first shot of the day,” said Jeff Seiens, COVID-19 Response Coordinator at the White House. Sufficient vaccine for all Americans. Is being supplied. ” Qualified people can get boosters in about 80,000 locations nationwide, including over 40,000 local pharmacies. According to Zyents, 90% of Americans have a vaccination site within five miles of where they live. provides information such as vaccines available on each site and reservations available on many sites. Toll-free 1-800-232-0233 will also be available in over 150 languages. Americans who have already used text code 438829 or WhatsApp to obtain vaccine information will automatically receive a text containing information about the booster, if recommended.

What’s happening in the breakthrough case of COVID-19?

As of July, in the United States, cases of breakthrough coronavirus caused by the predominant delta mutant Less than 1% Of fully vaccinated people. Both the Moderna and Pfizer vaccines have proven to be more than 90% effective against hospitalization and death. Nevertheless, CDC research Vaccinated people show that they can both contract Highly contagious delta variants and spreading them..Delta variants spread, according to widely reported internal CDC notes As easy as chickenpoxAlthough it is thought to be more contagious than influenza Less contagious than measles..

The proliferation of new COVID-19 cases primarily affects unvaccinated people and causes community expansion, resulting in Mask obligations and return of guidance In the affected areas, even for those who are fully vaccinated. The discussion of mask use and vaccine boosters highlights how scientists and other health professionals continue to address the uncertainty of COVID-19.

Biden press conference

The Biden administration says booster shots will be free.

Screenshots by Corinne Reichert / CNET

What is the dispute with WHO over booster shots?

The booster plan is Opposition between countries I’m having a hard time delivering the first and second shots to the residents.

Last month, Tedros Adhanom Gebreyes, Director of the World Health Organization Called the “Moratorium” Citing the global disparity in vaccine distribution, about booster shots in high-income countries. Of the 4 billion doses given worldwide, 80% went to high- and middle-income countries, which make up less than half of the world’s population, he said. He also called on vaccine producers to prioritize the global COVID-19 vaccine, Covax. Distribution program..

September 8 Press conference, Tedros said, the poor people in the world shouldn’t have to be content with the leftovers. “Manufacturers are obliged to prioritize or legally implement bilateral transactions with rich countries that are willing to pay the highest amount, so low-income countries are a tool to protect their people. Has been robbed, “he said.

White House spokesman Jen Psaki said on August 17 that the United States has enough vaccines to provide boost immunity to people who are fully vaccinated in the United States and to meet global demand. “We have been planning for a long time from a sufficient supply.” She said..

So far, the United States has shipped 115 million doses of vaccine to 80 countries, Zyentz said. “Our wartime efforts will continue as much as we can to vaccinate more people here, both domestically and around the world. Both are necessary to end this pandemic. Can and must be done at the same time, “he said. ..

Here, watching how the situation progresses What we know about delta variants And information about whether you are You need to keep wearing the mask..

The information contained in this article is for educational and informative purposes only and is not intended to provide health or medical advice. Always consult your doctor or other qualified healthcare provider if you have any questions about your medical condition or health goals.




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