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Studies show that Covid-19 exacerbates the risk of pregnancy complications


The first study showed that pregnant women with symptomatic Covid-19 had a higher rate of emergency complications than pregnant women who were positive but asymptomatic. This study was part of a presentation at the 2021 Annual Meeting of Anesthesiology held over the weekend.

Of the 100 Covid-positive mothers who gave birth between March and September last year at a Texas hospital, 58% of mothers with sexually transmitted infections who gave birth in an emergency have not yet been peer-reviewed. Found in. For asymptomatic cases, this was the case in 46%.

Symptomatic mothers were more likely to have emergency complications that were dangerous to their baby. More babies were born in the breech position, fetal movement was more likely to be reduced, and some babies had too little amniotic fluid.

The study also found that babies born to these symptomatic mothers were much more likely to require oxygen support and were more likely to be admitted to the intensive care unit.

In addition, babies born to these symptomatic mothers were much more likely to require oxygen support and were more likely to be admitted to the intensive care unit.

“COVID-19 has serious systemic effects on the body, especially patients with symptomatic treatment,” said Christine Lane, a medical student at the University of Texas School of Medicine in Galveston, Texas. “These effects can be amplified in pregnant mothers with increased fetal and maternal oxygen demand.”

After 169 hospitals, his father finally received the necessary Covid-19 care and changed dozens of skeptics.heart

She said the doctor caring for the symptomatic patient may be cautious because of the virus and actively recommend a caesarean section.

Dr. Gil Mor, a reproductive immunologist who did not work on the study but reviewed the study, said the problem could be related to the chronic inflammation caused by Covid-19.

“Inflammation is very dangerous for both mother and fetal development. Chronic inflammation is now a battle for the survival of the mother and fetal, and they pay the price in every battle,” Mor said. .. He leads the Wayne State University Institute to study the effects of the immune system and pathogens during pregnancy. “To prevent chronic inflammation, we need to do everything with our own hands.”

NS Other studies It was peer-reviewed and published on Sunday in The Journal of Maternal-Fetal & Neonatal Medicine. This study examined the effects of Covid-19 on women in late pregnancy.
Doctors advocate further research on the effects of the Covid-19 vaccine on menstruation

Scientists examined the records of more than 2,400 women in one Israeli hospital between March and September last year, making a significant difference between women who had Covid-19 and those who did not. I saw a difference in health. Of the Covid-19-positive patients, 67% were asymptomatic.

Women with symptomatic Covid-19 were the most problematic, found Dr. Elior Eliasi and colleagues at the Mayanei Haieshua Medical Center. They had a high incidence of gestational diabetes, low white blood cell counts, and high bleeding during childbirth. Their babies also experienced more breathing problems.

The increased risk of problems was almost 20% higher in women with Covid-19 symptoms and 14% higher in asymptomatic Covid-19 women.

Unlike other studies, this study did not find that symptomatic women were significantly more likely to give birth early.

This study is limited because it targets only women in one hospital, and the results may not apply to all pregnant people.

Mississippi states that pregnant women are seeing an increasing number of deaths from Covid-19.

These new studies provide evidence that Covid-19, especially symptomatic Covid-19, is a real threat to pregnant people and that the risk of Covid-19 far outweighs that of pregnant women. I’m increasing. Vaccinated, said Dr. Dennis Jamison, who is not working on the study.

Only one-third of pregnant people are fully vaccinated against Covid-19. Centers for Disease Control and Prevention.

Vaccines can prevent pregnant women from becoming infected with Covid-19, and in the presence of breakthrough cases, vaccinated individuals, if any, may have mild symptoms. Will be much higher. Vaccine protection is passed on to newborns.

“These studies fit into the overall new pattern of what we have seen in other studies,” said Emory University School of Medicine Gynecology and Obstetrics Chairman and member of the US Obstetrics and Gynecology Covid-. Jamieson says. A group of 19 experts. “Covid can affect pregnancy and cause serious illness in pregnant people and their babies. This is clear.”

Jamison said it was important for doctors to encourage pregnant patients to get the Covid-19 vaccine as soon as possible. Initially, the CDC guidance stated that women could be vaccinated, but did not recommend it. This is because the first vaccine study intentionally did not include pregnant women, even though some were pregnant during the study.After further investigation, the CDC Urgent plea Pregnant women highly recommended in September will be vaccinated immediately.

“Pregnant people may hesitate to take medications or get vaccinated during pregnancy and want to do everything they can to protect their baby. Sacrifice during pregnancy. I’m paying, but I think we need to balance the risks of not being vaccinated. ” “It’s important for everyone to be vaccinated, but especially for pregnant people, it’s important to be vaccinated to protect themselves and their babies.”





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