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When Americans consider another jab, the health district advertises “three actions to fight the flu.”


Three in five people surveyed could delay or skip flu shots this year, according to a concern report released by the American Heart Association on October 12. This can be serious, with the flu season starting early, despite warnings from health professionals.

COVID-19 and its aggressive delta variants also afflict the population with many symptoms that reflect the symptoms of influenza. Donna Calvert, Director of the New Town Health District, is working hard to support the education of community members, hoping that everyone will immunize themselves in the coming weeks.

To that end, health districts and their community partners are encouraging residents to “take three actions to combat the flu.”

“Influenza, or influenza, is a potentially serious infectious disease,” said Culvert. New Town Bee This week, a flu and pneumonia vaccine clinic is being held locally. “Every year, millions of people get the flu, which can lead to serious illness, hospitalization, and even death. Residents take the following actions to protect themselves and others from the flu: You will be prompted. “

The three actions that Culvert is encouraging residents to take are:

Vaccine yourself and your family. The annual flu vaccine is the first and most important step in protecting against the flu virus. Everyone over 6 months should be vaccinated against the flu every year. Protect yourself. Protect your family. Get vaccinated.

Stop the spread. Take daily precautions to prevent the spread of the flu virus. Avoid close contact with sick people, avoid contact with eyes, nose and mouth, cover coughing and sneezing, and wash hands frequently (with soap and water).

Talk to your doctor about flu antivirals — Take antiviral medication if prescribed by your doctor. Antiviral drugs can be used to treat flu illnesses, relieve illnesses and reduce the time of illness.

The Newtown Health District is coordinating with RVNA and the Newtown Visiting Nurses Association to bring influenza vaccinations to the community. “Influenza vaccination is readily available, so take advantage of one of the many convenient opportunities,” Culbert said.

Several clinics will be held, the next one at Newtown City Center from 10am to noon on Thursday, November 4th, and at Queen’s Newtown Middle School from 10am to 1pm on Saturday, November 13th. It is planned. City.

Other options are:

* Your own healthcare provider;

* RVNA — Details can be found on that website,, Or call 203-438-5555, ext. 3.

* Pomperaug Health District, for more information Or call the 203-264-9616 extension. 0; and

* Local pharmacies such as CVS, Walgreens, Stop & Shop.

About the survey

Wakefield Research’s online survey of the Heart Association of 1,000 American Adults found that in 2020-21, flu was reported while televising news of concerns about the number of people assessing the relevance of influenza vaccination. The flu season, which showed almost all (98%) of vaccinated people, said they plan to be vaccinated again this year.

Dr. Donald Lloyd Jones, MD, ScM, FAHA, Volunteer President of the American Heart Association, said: “The flu will come back this year. By getting the flu vaccine as soon as possible, you and your loved ones can be given maximum protection.”

Eighty-two percent of those surveyed said they were more concerned about their health with COVID-19, but only 26% said they were more likely to get jabs this year. bottom. Hispanic respondents tended to say that COVID-19 influenced influenza vaccination decisions (57%) compared to non-Hispanic respondents (38%).

COVID-19 is still stressing many regional hospitals, and Lloyd Jones, an epidemiologist and preventive medicine chairman at Chicago’s Northwestern University Fineberg School of Medicine, said he was “twin” with the flu vaccine. He emphasized that it helps prevent the “flu epidemic”. In addition to reducing the likelihood that patients will face severe influenza and severe COVID-19 “one-two punches” together or back to back.

Even without COVID-19 in the field, influenza and its corresponding pneumonia are regularly ranked in the top 10 causes of death in the United States and can be particularly at risk for certain populations.

During the 2018-19 influenza season, more than 9 out of 10 adults hospitalized for influenza (93%) reported at least one underlying condition, including cardiovascular disease, diabetes, and obesity. Heart disease is one of the most common chronic (long-term) conditions among adults hospitalized for influenza, accounting for about half of all influenza hospitalizations.

“Influenza vaccination is basically extra exposure to everyone, especially those who may be vulnerable to chronic health conditions such as diabetes, high blood pressure, obesity, and healthcare professionals. Recommended for those who may be, and those who work in important front-line jobs that come into contact with many different people, “said Lloyd Jones.

Say “boo” to the flu

The Centers for Disease Control and Prevention (CDC) recommends that you be vaccinated against influenza by Halloween, October 31, to maximize the protection of the season, and give influenza vaccine to all people over 6 months. Recommended.

A new study by the American Heart Association also identified a significant knowledge gap regarding influenza vaccination, with the overwhelming majority (94%) of Americans incorrectly answering at least one of eight questions about influenza.

Compared to 67% of both Millennials (25-40) and Generation X (41-56), the younger generation is less informative than the older generation, and 83% of Generation Z (18-24) ask these questions. At least two of them are wrong. , And 58% of baby boomers (57-75).

Of all respondents, 73% know that they cannot get the flu from a flu shot, and 88% know that they can get the COVID-19 vaccine and the flu shot at the same time.

Lloyd-Jones emphasized that flu shots are right for you, even if you don’t think you are at high risk for serious complications.

“The flu virus will spread more easily this year with more people coming and going at schools, churches, sporting events, etc. This year we will be vaccinated against the flu to ensure protection for you and your loved ones. What you do is very important to you, “he said.

Influenza vaccination can easily be obtained at a clinic, a local pharmacy, or a local clinic such as a federal qualified medical center (FQHC). According to the CDC, the COVID-19 vaccine is also available at these locations and both can be given at the same time.

COVID-19 and its aggressive delta variants still sick state residents with many symptoms that reflect the symptoms of influenza. A local merchant who will provide the flu vaccine in the coming weeks.




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