The first COVID vaccine for children aged 5 to 11 years given in Washington State. However, the dose may be limited at first.Seattle Times
A group of children lined up to get the COVID-19 vaccine on Wednesday afternoon, with a nervous smile spread throughout the room with almost no tears.
Micah Wong, the 10-year-old son of two UW Medicine staff, sits inside a brightly lit Shoreline Community College building while a Shoreline firefighter takes his left arm and manages a shot. I grinned. Wong said he wasn’t nervous at all.
“It just felt like a pinch,” Wong said. “It disappeared pretty quickly.”
Wong was one of ten children between the ages of 5 and 11, most of whom were the sons and daughters of UW medical doctors and staff. They waited for their turn to take Pfizer’s pediatric shots this week after the Centers for Disease Control and Prevention officially green-lighted the shots. However, the long-awaited dose may be limited at first.
Health providers expect about 230,000 child-sized doses (about one-third of adult doses) from the federal government as a whole, with an additional 86,000 doses from the Federal Pharmacy Program, Michele Roberts, State. We will arrive at the pharmacy through the Ministry of Health. The deputy secretary-general said last week.
Public Health-Seattle and King County said in a statement Thursday that the county “may not be enough to meet expected demand” in the first few weeks, but the sector is constrained to the public. Guaranteed to be temporary. About 183,000 people between the ages of 5 and 11 live in King County.
“Today is a great day to start the next phase of pediatric vaccines,” said Dr. Shireesha Dhanireddy, an infectious disease and clinical leader of the UW Medicine COVID-19 Vaccination Clinic, Wednesday afternoon. “It’s another sign that we hope this pandemic will be put to an end in the near future.”
Dhanireddy’s son, 9-year-old Sashi Olson, was the first up on Wednesday.
“His brother was vaccinated earlier this year because he was 12 years old, and (Sashi) felt very left behind in the family,” Dhanireddy said. rice field.
UW Medicine plans to begin administering Pfizer Shots to young people throughout the community on Thursday. As of Wednesday, the hospital system has received 5,700 pediatric doses, and even higher doses are expected this week.
Information on how to schedule and add to the waiting list is available here..
This story will be updated.
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What Are The Main Benefits Of Comparing Car Insurance Quotes Online
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