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Are you a survivor of COVID?Doctors share what you need to know about your lungs

Are you a survivor of COVID?Doctors share what you need to know about your lungs


According to official records, a total of 334 million rupees were infected with COVID-19 in India, of which 4.62 racks were infected with the virus. It is widely known that the lungs are the battlefield for the fight against COVID, and it has been observed that many COVID survivors were hit hard. Pneumonia is one of the serious complications of COVID and in some cases has serious effects on the lungs. But if you are suffering from COVID, how can you really know if your lungs have fully recovered?

Professor (Doctor) Arvind Kumar, President of the Institute of Thoracic Surgery, Thoracic Tumor Surgery and Lung Transplantation. The Co-Chair of the Medanta Robotic Institute explains: Coming, these were not acute deaths, so mortality rates that do not appear in the COVID death record. These can occur within the next few months or years. ”

However, to understand the situation clearly, it is first necessary to know that the long-term effects of COVID on the lungs depend on the severity of the infection in the initial attack. There are three patterns we have seen-people who had minimal or mild pneumonia (they had a complete regression of all problems and they recovered-their CT scans and everything was normal (Was), the second category of people who had moderate types of lung involvement (they recovered, but there are some fibrotic patches; they suffer from mild permanent damage There are, but not enough to cause clinical problems, so the extras are reduced, but they are living a normal daily life (abilities that were previously present in the lungs) and the third group Are people who suffer from serious illnesses that cause various types of complications, who have permanently damaged the lungs, who have fibrosis, and who have experienced the destruction of parts of the lungs that lead to cyst formation. Many of them suffered from tooth decay and developed fungal infections, pus and air around the lungs. These have permanent damage to the lungs, ranging from mild to severe. Some became permanently dependent on oxygen.

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Breathing tips to strengthen your lungs

Dr. Kumar explains: “The first group with mild involvement does not require regular long-term follow-up. We advised them all to do a lot of exercise, such as breath-holding, deep breathing, and so on. Sufficient. In the second category, it is advisable to perform a lung function test (LFT) and CT scan after 6 months, followed by follow-up depending on the degree of abnormality indicated by the test. , The third group has regular treatment and follow-up. ”

Dr. Lancelot Pinto, a pulmonologist at PD Hinduja Hospital & MRC in Mahim, Mumbai, adds: People who suffer from severe respiratory illness (needing oxygen or needing to be ventilated) often heal with lung scars. Such scar tissue is inefficient in transporting oxygen and can cause shortness of breath, especially in vigorous activities that increase the body’s demand for oxygen. In the short term, some people have a hypersensitive airway, a phenomenon that occurs after a respiratory virus infection similar to asthma after COVID disease. If a blood clot develops in the lungs, recovery may be delayed and anticoagulants should be taken until the blood clot disappears. Abnormal muscle conditions that occur when a person is hospitalized can reduce the body’s efficiency in using oxygen and can lead to convalescent fatigue. ”

Regarding some shocking findings about the effects of COVID on the lungs, Dr. Kumar said: Lungs that looked completely normal a few weeks ago appeared to have been completely eaten by COVID. Some of these surviving patients were young, but are now permanently dependent on oxygen. ”

In many cases, recovery of lung function is very possible, but regular breathing exercises are required to activate and restore the lungs. However, if you still feel that your lung capacity is still low after a few months of recovery, it is best to contact your doctor for a test.

read more:
Restorative Lung Strengthening Exercise for COVID Recovery





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