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Antimicrobial resistance requires the brains of space agencies and the enthusiasm of NGO campaigns

Antimicrobial resistance requires the brains of space agencies and the enthusiasm of NGO campaigns


Cost Infection Somewhere between the astonishing and the immeasurable. In 2016 alone, about $ 8 trillion and 156 million lives were lost. Throughout human history Plague It wiped out more lives than famine and violence.

Then, in 1941, Antibiotic age Doctor Radcliffe Clinic And that Dan Department of Pathology Oxford first tested the patient’s penicillin. When I was a medical student in the late 1970s, we paid tribute to this world-changing achievement. penicillin And their successors have saved millions of lives.

So, 50 years later, as a doctor visiting Uganda Guru HospitalI was heartbroken to see the patient die despite treatment with antibiotics. For example, Sarah, a young Sudanese refugee, Postpartum fever Because she was Resistance For primary antibiotics. And the modern expensive version wasn’t available.

Antibiotics are part of a group of drugs called Antibacterial agent – Includes antiviral, antifungal and antiparasitic agents – Prevents and treats human, animal and plant infections.But as coronavirus Reminding us, all living things are mutated.When it leads to a tolerant “super bug”, we Antibacterial resistance – The drug is no longer effective.

Antibacterial resistance Abuse and misuse Antibacterial agent.this is Global issues..However, antibiotics are readily available in developing countries No prescription..Residents Kibera, For example, Kenya’s low-income settlement, Consume more Antibiotics than a typical American family.When you are a poor patient I can not afford to Full course, but they get it done with some pills. If the infection is not completely treated, it can be harmful and antibacterial resistance can persist.

On the other hand, the parallel lack of sanitation, water and sanitation in crowded poor areas means more illness. It pushes up the need for antibacterial agents.

Antibacterial resistance also impairs human health through food.Two-thirds of all antibiotics are used in livestock..Intensive use to fatten animals and hide poor livestock Strong resistance source.. The powerful medicine and water that seep into the soil Food chain..Antibacterial residues of milk, eggs, meat and fish concern For our health.

Antibacterial resistance kills About 700,000 people worldwide annually.This can increase to Ten million By 2050, it will cost $ 100 trillion annually.Top ten Global health threat..

Now is the time for a bold commitment to antimicrobial resistance. It includes the universal legitimacy of UN agencies, the political influence of the G20, the deep pockets of global funds, the brains of space agencies, the enthusiasm for NGO campaigns, the unconventional power of social movements, and the dedication of utilization. Organization is needed. Ability of public-private partnership.

Drug resistance and health

Antibacterial resistance is devastating result..In case of illness, it is meaning They get sick longer, waste money they can’t afford, and poor desperate families. Or succumbed to a normal chest and urinary tract infection that was previously easily treated.Traditional public health threats such as: tuberculosis, malaria When HIV The serious condition is back again as it resists first-line medications.

Drug resistance is particularly bad news for critically ill patients with diseases ranging from COVID-19 to chronic bronchitis, which is prone to secondary infections.It’s also dangerous to do Organ transplantation Or give Cancer treatment Immunosuppressed patients need an antibacterial cover.

Broken market

Drug resistance meets the definition of Pandemic Comparison with other pandemics is useful. With billions of patrons in COVID-19 vaccines and treatments, it was worth the large investment in coronavirus research.In contrast, it doesn’t contain anything new Antibiotic cupboard From the 1980s.

Can cost 15 years and $ 1 billion Develop new antibiotics.. And poor people can’t afford them or have to limit consumption to stop future resistance.Meanwhile, companies that have the right to monopolize niche antibacterial agents Profit Abandon.

In contrast, preventable and treatable 20 Tropical disease It debilitates 1.7 billion poor people – mainly Africa When South Asia – that is Ignored.. This is because the remedies are often too cheap to make a full profit. They include river blindness, guinea worms, leprosy and elephantiasis.

The particular situation surrounding the supply and demand of antimicrobials means that injustice is widespread, as is the COVID-19 vaccine, which is being rejected by developing countries. Intellectual property right To make them.

Earlier generations were similarly suffering in the midst of the AIDS epidemic.South Africa and India led the battle Abandon restrictive trade rules About the manufacture of generic drugs in the event of a public health emergency. It saved thousands of lives as cheap antiretroviral drugs became available.

Equivalent approaches are now urgently needed to make effective and affordable antibiotics available to all countries.But if Current battle It is a guide to surpass the increase in COVID-19 vaccine supply led by South Africa and India again. Polarized geopolitics does not help repair the broken market for essential medicines.

One health

A painful lesson from pandemics such as Ebola, HIV and COVID-19 is that human, animal and planetary health are intertwined. Because animals are approaching humans. Their habitat is endangered by development practices that cause massive deforestation. Therefore, their microbes jump to us more easily. This is exacerbated by changes in the environment due to climate change. This trend requires finding new antibiotics for upcoming illnesses.

The siled approach does not work in an interconnected context. Integrated work is needed to address the multifaceted causes and consequences of our illnesses, humans, ecosystems, and planets. this “One healthThe approach can address antibacterial resistance.But the concept remains Vague.. Societies and institutions have no incentive to work across departmental or discipline boundaries.

Technocratic approach is not enough

World Health Organization World Organization for Animal Health And that Food and Agriculture Organization To sound an alarm about antibacterial resistance Global action plan, Some resolutions World Health Assembly,and High-level global leader group.. Technical tools and guidance National Action Plan: There are 89 countries, but only 18 in Africa and 23 in Asia Pacific.They include enhancements Surveillance, Promotion Antibacterial stewardship, Training and development.

This is all worth it.But there is No time to wait..With a technocratic approach Sparse funds Not producing the necessary momentum.

Early AIDS activists did the same in the 1980s, when many countries were devastated, especially in Africa. Large-scale global movements have arisen to shift social moray eels, shake troublesome facilities, and activate large-scale funding for research, prevention, and treatment. And it has caused extraordinary innovations in biological and behavioral sciences.

Its heritage goes far beyond HIV.It also led to the creation UNAIDS And that World Fund for Fighting AIDS, Tuberculosis and Malaria As a specialized agency for revitalizing and coordinating unprecedented global efforts.

The highly devastating COVID-19 crisis has triggered equal efforts at record speed. Innovation, Capsizing Economic legitimacy, And unprecedented Loan..Also, innovation in our way jobs, Design Social safety net,Reconstruction International cooperation, generation solidarity, And hold policy makers Accountability..But we also deepened inequality, And realized that globalization itself is needed Transform..

There are good examples of elements that could constitute a dedicated global organization to combat antimicrobial resistance. Connecting them is a necessary organizational innovation. It means challenging the little institutional lawn battles and sector boundaries and overcoming small ideas.




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