The mother’s deadly blood clot is probably a side effect of the “very rare” Covid Jab, the cause of death hearing said.
A study heard that there is likely a “causal relationship” between the lung thrombosis of Michel Barlowe in two mothers and the dose of AstraZeneca covid vaccine.
Image: MEN media)
Two mothers were found to have died of a pulmonary clot that was most likely caused by the “very rare” side effects of the AstraZeneca Covid-19 vaccine.
So far, hearings have reported that there were 425 cases out of nearly 25 million British people who were double-jabbed with the vaccine.
“Healthy and healthy” Michelle Barlow, 51, coronavirus Her husband, Ian, said she had been vaccinated on March 7 and began suffering from “flu-like symptoms” the next day.
Mother from Orel was later developed headache, Diarrhea, nausea, and by March 19th her symptoms had become “overwhelming”, so she went to the Wigan Clinic.
A test showed that Mrs. Barlow, a Department for Work and Pensions civil servant, had a “very low” platelet count, and she was discharged from the hospital and told to return to the next week’s health checkup.
However, her condition did not improve and the next day she was readmitted to the hospital. Manchester Evening News Report.
Doctors suspected she was infected with gastroenteritis, an inquest at the Bolton Coroner’s Court heard.
Mrs. Barlow’s family was unable to go to the hospital with her due to Covid’s restrictions, and on March 22, her husband received a call from the nurse and told her to go to the hospital as soon as possible.
“I knew something was wrong,” he said. “When I received the call, I was expecting to see my wife, and she would survive.”
When he arrived, Mr. Barlow said his wife told him that the doctor “couldn’t do anything for her.”
“The doctor came and explained,” Barlow said. “I just told them,’You must save her.'”
MEN media)
Mrs. Barlow died the next day, March 23, at the bedside with her family.
Pathologist Dr. Naveen Sharma described her cause of death as “multiple organ failure as a result of pulmonary embolism.”
He said there is likely a “causal relationship” between Mrs. Barlow’s lung blood clots and the AstraZeneca vaccine.
Dr. Sharma said this month the Medicines and Healthcare Products Regulatory Agency (MHRA) provided guidance suggesting a possible link between the AstraZeneca vaccine and the “very rare” side effects of blood clots.
He said 425 major blood clots were identified in people vaccinated with AstraZeneca, adding that this represents “a rare but very clearly recognized potential complication.” ..
Of these cases, 154 were associated with blood clots in the head and 271 were associated with other parts of the body.
Ages ranged from 18 to 93 years, with 101 cases ranging from 50 to 59 years, 19 of which totaled 73 deaths.
Dr. Sharma said that 24.8 million people are currently receiving the first dose of the AstraZeneca vaccine and 24.1 million are double-jabbed with the same drug.
In honor of his wife, Barlow said, “She was a wonderful wife, mother and grandmother. She was nothing but perfect.
“Michelle was to me the most affectionate, compassionate, patient and selfless person I could meet.
“She was healthy and healthy. She had no problems.”
Dr. Peter Kreppel, GP of Wigan’s Mesnes View Surgery, said Mrs. Barlow was offered an early dose of the vaccine because of an error in her record that she said she was taking care of her husband.
Barlow told the cause of death hearing that she was told “I only have the vaccine” when my wife contacted the clinic to inform them that it was a mistake.
If Mrs. Barlow wasn’t in that category, she wouldn’t have been invited to vaccinate at that stage, Dr. Klepel said.
However, he said he would still have advised her to take the vaccine, as the risk of thrombosis was 100 times higher without the vaccine than when taking the vaccine.
Dr. Mian Ahmed, a consultant doctor at Wigan Clinic, said he heard that doctors began to suspect a possible response to the vaccine rather than gastroenteritis until a CT scan of Mrs. Barlow’s lungs revealed a blood clot. rice field.
He said the vaccine-induced immune thrombocytopenia and thrombosis (VITT) conditions were not recognized at the time of her death.
Dr. Ahmed said he would prescribe hemoglobin, anticoagulants, and CT scans for the patient sooner if the same situation happened now.
He agreed that this might have given her a “better chance,” but it was a “difficult call.”
After seeing a CT scan, hospital surgeon Marius Palauan said she concluded that Mrs. Barlow’s condition “cannot survive.”
Not only her husband, but also Mrs. Barlow’s sons Matthew and Mark attended the hearing with other relatives.
Senior coroner Timothy Brenand said he would reach a conclusion in the cause of death hearing on Friday morning.
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