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Mild symptoms of Omicron cannot hide the danger it poses

Mild symptoms of Omicron cannot hide the danger it poses


The high prevalence of Omicron variants, which are beginning to stop delta infections in the United Kingdom, poses significant risks to the US healthcare system. In the United States, vaccination rates are low, the proportion of individuals who get boosters is low, and a relatively large part of the population is elderly or immunocompromised.

Data on Omicron variants are beginning to emerge, good news for those who are healthy and have received three doses of mRNA immunity, but Delta’s emphasis on the medical system and society in general. Fortunately, Omicron seems to be causing a less serious illness.Hospitalization with Omicron mutants is reduced by 29% in people who are not immunized or have never been infected before, compared to the first wave of the virus. SARS-CoV-2.. Omicron is highly infectious and people who are not vaccinated or immunosuppressed are at risk of serious illness. These additional patients alone can easily disrupt our overrun medical system. During this pandemic, temporary collapses have already occurred in many parts of our country, resulting in delayed and sometimes unavailable non-COVID-19 care that is needed and sometimes urgent.

According to data released by South African insurance company Discovery Health, people who receive a double dose of the mRNA vaccine have a 70% protective effect against hospitalization.

33% from Omicron variant Protection against infection.. It should be remembered that these data are from South Africa. In the United States, many were fully vaccinated very early in the pandemic, much earlier than in South Africa. Unfortunately, the immunity induced by the double-dose mRNA vaccine seems to decline rapidly. Omicron variants evade immunity to a greater extent than previous variants and pose protection from vaccines, plasma and monoclonal antibodies. Nursing homes and the elderly are at very high risk of reinfection and serious illness. So, as South African data shows, you would suspect that the United States might not work.Laboratory studies support that booster acquisition can provide excellent protection from Omicron variants, but immune durability is not clear..

Protection is not guaranteed for previously infected people.According to the first report from South Africa, the reinfection rate is Omicron variant.. According to newly reported data, previously re-infected individuals have a 40% to 73% increased chance of infection, depending on the duration of initial infection and the variant. The sooner you get infected, the more likely you are to get re-infected.

Discovery Health data also observed a 20% higher risk of hospitalization for children. Omicron variant.. This supports the first report from South Africa that children under the age of 5 are targeted by the virus. Them Over 60 years old.

The high prevalence of Omicron variants, which are beginning to stop delta infections in the United Kingdom, poses significant risks to the US healthcare system. Keep in mind that vaccination rates are low in the United States, the percentage of individuals who get boosters is low, and a relatively large part of the population is elderly or immunocompromised.

In the course of this pandemic, the infectivity and lethality of SARS-CoV-2 from wild-type viruses to D614G, Alpha, and Delta variant.. SARS-CoV-2 Animal host.. Some declare that the advent of Omicron is a sign that we may be at the beginning of the end of a pandemic. The virus is mutated to a less serious form, and the virus is unable to kill its host and maintain viability.

Reality check is required. The species has become extinct from the virus. Omicron did not mutate from Delta, it came from a completely different evolutionary path. There is concern that rodents that first infect humans may develop omicrons and then the virus may have returned to the human population.This cause is supported by an excess of various mutations, seven of which are associated with infection. Between rodents.. The bottom line is that SARS-CoV-2 does not require humans. The next virus that causes the host to jump can be even more infectious and more deadly. Anything is possible with a highly mutated virus that circulates between multiple different animal hosts.

To fight this virus, you need to take a different approach. Our current disjointed public health system, full of conflicting goals and statements, fuels false information and slows our country’s reaction. More than ever, there is a need for a unified national health system to respond to current and future biological threats. To this end, we need to recreate the coronavirus response team.As a result, many top individuals from all over the country Guide national policy.. But most importantly, the US Department of Veterans Affairs’ fourth mission needs to be expanded to support US medical emergencies and turn this cabinet into public health for the people. Delivery system..





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