Here’s what you need to know about the COVID-19 test in the shortage:health
The COVID-19 test is an important tool for controlling the spread of the new coronavirus, but almost two years after the pandemic, the United States struggled to generate a sufficient supply.
At home, it is difficult to find a rapid test kit, and most healthcare providers need known exposures or symptoms due to a national shortage. Local hospitals report a practice in the emergency department for regular COVID-19 testing.
Here’s what you need to know about the COVID-19 test, where to get the kit, and what to do if the test is positive.
Who should be tested for COVID-19?
The Centers for Disease Control and Prevention recommends that anyone with COVID-19 symptoms be tested, regardless of vaccination status.
How soon should I be tested for COVID-19 after exposure?
The CDC suggests that individuals exposed to COVID-19-infected individuals should be tested 5 days after exposure or as soon as symptoms occur. Testing too early can endanger the results, as the body must accumulate enough viral load to be detected.
Heather Gronholm, a pharmacist at Hillcrest Pharmacy and Compounding in Colombia, said:
How is a rapid test different from a PCR test? Is one better than the other?
The polymerase chain reaction test (PCR) is done in the laboratory and is considered the gold standard, but it is not needed for those who have already had a positive test for rapid testing.
The differences between the two are:
A PCR test is a molecular test that is analyzed in the laboratory and can detect fragments of the virus even after the patient is no longer contagious. When the lab is backed up, the results can take up to 3 days or more. It is said to be highly reliable.
There aren’t many for rapid inspections. The advantage of rapid testing is the speed with which results can be obtained within 15 minutes. However, commercial rapid antigen testing may miss the early stages of COVID-19 infection.
Studies show that antigen testing is almost 80% more accurate than PCR testing, which is 97%.
Where can I take the test at home?
This is not an easy question to answer, partly due to the lack of countries. Most pharmacies, whether Colombian Hilcrest Pharmacy or Wal-Mart, perform quick tests at home. The challenge is supply. The test is flying off the shelf. Lancaster Township’s 1278 Millersville Pike CVS received approximately 1,400 COVID-19 test kits on Tuesday. By Wednesday, only 100 were left, with a limit of 6 per customer.
What if I can’t find a test at home?
If you have symptoms, you can have the test done at any hospital or emergency medical center.
How much does it cost to test at home?
The cost of the test depends on the brand, but can be as low as $ 10 to over $ 100. The Colombian Hill Crest Pharmacy sells home tests for $ 14.99, with a limit of 10 per customer.
How do you interpret the test at home?
A COVID-19 test at home is like a pregnancy test. One line is negative. 2 lines, positive.
I have been vaccinated and encouraged, but I was still exposed to people who tested positive. Do I still need to take the test?
No vaccine provides 100% protection against infection. COVID-19 vaccination prevents severe illness and death. Therefore, even if you are vaccinated and exposed, you should be tested.
What should I do if the test is positive?
First and foremost, stay at home and stay away from others to monitor your symptoms. Immediately tell your close contacts or anyone you have been close to for at least 15 minutes. Contact your doctor or healthcare provider.
What if the test is negative?
Negative test results are point-in-time health snapshots. Gronholm says it means that at the time of the test, there was no COVID-19 or there was not enough viral load for the test to detect the coronavirus. If symptoms persist, Gronholm recommends waiting 48 hours and then testing again.
Would you like to self-test too much?
In short, it’s not.
Dr. Ameshua Dalha, an infectious disease physician and senior scholar at the Johns Hopkins Health Security Center, said: “We want people to test as much as they need. I don’t think there is a ceiling.”
Why do you get a COVID-19 test?
There are various reasons. Identify the outbreak and rest assured to control the spread of the disease.
“The ability to test yourself freely and cheaply will be very important,” Adalja said.
The undertesting is likely to continue during the winter, Adalja said, until the Federal Defense Production Act accelerates production in the United States.
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