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All schools put together cases and absenteeism as some classes were closed and children returned home to resume work.


Thousands of children are absent from school every day in Wales, according to the latest Welsh government data.

The entire class was closed and the students Distance education Last week, in some areas, but the Prime Minister said the start of the semester was “easier than expected.”

Some schools have more than 1 in 10 staff COVID.. Cases between staff and students range slightly over 1,600 to 1,500 weekly this quarter, according to data separate from Welsh public health.

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The minister is monitoring an increase in the number of elementary school students who test positive for Covid-19, Mark Drakeford confirmed last week.
(Image: Getty Images)

PHW does not provide a breakdown, but it is understood that most school cases are in primary school rather than secondary school.

Attendance is the worst Major test years Concerns continue about whether it is fair to conduct the test this summer.

A total of 3,222 elementary and 1,501 junior high school students were absent from school on January 14, the latest date for official attendance, for known Covid reasons.

Manmas Shah When Gwynedd The council reported that some classes were closed last week due to Covid.

WalesOnline asked all 22 councils about the number of staff and students who were not infected with the virus and whether they returned to distance learning, but only a handful answered. It is understood that the class is over and the children have returned to online learning in other areas as well.

The Welsh government said in the week leading up to January 14 that some learners had transitioned to short-term distance learning, but was unaware that the school had to be completely closed.

Ann School guidance updates Next week, it will be presented by Minister of Education Jeremy Miles, The mask continues You will need.

Junior high school students are required to wear a mask in the lesson and are required to take a lateral flow test three times a week and report the results.
(Image: Wales Online / Rob browne)

School Covid case

When the Omicron wave peaked, the number of cases increased slightly in 11 of the 22 local education authority areas in the 6 days to 19 January, despite an overall decrease in the number of cases in the community. Did.

Wales’ largest municipality Cardiff The total number of Covid cases at school was the highest and surged the most in the six days to January 19. It increased from 40 cases to 184 cases. Newport Schools saw the second largest increase in 32 to 163 cases.

Carmarthenshire We reported 108 school cases, a decrease of 52 in the previous week.

The number of schools was the lowest Gwynedd At 16.

With the end of the Christmas holidays and the start of the semester, a total of 4,806 Covid cases occurred in the 21 days until January 19. Some students returned on January 6th, while others did not return until January 11th.

Aneurin Bevan UHB

Blaenau Gwent 39 (+11)

Caerphilly 97 (-2)

Manmasshire 60 (-5)

Newport 163 (+32)

Torbaen 53 (-5)

Total 412381 (+31)

Betsy Kadwarador UHB

Anglesea 24 (+7)

Conwy 36 (-1)

Denbighshire 32 (+2)

Flintshire 46 (+2)

Gwynedd 16 (+2)

Lexum 48 (+2)

Total 202 (+12)

Cardiff and Veil UHB

Cardiff 184 (+40)

Bale of Gramorgan 48 (-11)

Total 232 (+29)

Cwm Taf Glamorgan UHB

Bridgend 80 (-4)

Merthyr Tydfil 61 (+22)

Rhondda Cynon Tough 123 (-36)

Total: 264 (-18)

Hywel Dda UHB

Carmarthenshire 108 (-52)

Ceredigion 21 (+3)

Pembrokeshire 33 (equal)

Total: 162 (-49)

Powys Teaching HB

Powys 42 (-35)

Total: Powys 42 (-35)

Swansea Bay UHB

Nice Port Talbot 103 (+12)

Swansea 152 (-4)

Total 255247 (+8)

Wales total 1,569 (+22)

Welsh General School Case from the beginning of January:

0-6 days until January 19th 1,569

7-13 days until January 19th 1,591

13-21 days until January 19th 1,646

Total: 4,806

Middle-aged children no longer need to wear masks in UK schools, but requirements continue in Wales
(Image: PA)

According to the Welsh government, this is the number of children who were absent from school

  • An average of 90.2% of students attended school during the week of January 10-14. This is the highest percentage since the first week of the school year.
  • During the week of January 10-14, an average of 2.7% of all students were absent for known Covid-related reasons. This includes Covid students.
  • Between January 10th and 14th, an average of 2.7% of all major students were absent, including Covid students, for known reasons related to Covid.
  • Between January 10 and January 14, 2022, an average of 2.8% of all secondary students were absent for known Covid-related reasons, including Covid students.
  • Among the students of the legal school age of the week from January 10th to January 14th, 2022, the percentage of students attending was the highest (92.6%) among the third grade students and the lowest among the GCSE 11th grade students. (86.7%).
  • The most common reason for a session to fail during the week January 10-14, 2022 is illness, which is why 3% of sessions fail. This does not include children infected with Covid.

Find out about cases of coronavirus in your area.

Student Attendance by Grade January 10-14

Receive –92.1%

1st year -92.4%

2nd year -92.4%

Third year -92.6%

4th year –92.5%

5th year –92.1%

6th year –92.2%

7th year -90.9%

8th year -89.3%

9th year -88.1%

10th year -88.1%

11th year -86.7%

12th year -84.1%

13th year -76.6%

WalesOnline asked all 22 councils how many schools were affected by Covid. These are the responses from what you responded to.

Manmas Shah As of January 21-Two classes have been closed

71 school staff absent (5% of all staff), including 15 teachers (2.4%)

No student distance learning

Absent 298 people (2.7%)

No school is closed to Covid, but there are two classes closed to Covid.

Gwynedd As of January 21

There are 94 schools in Gwynedd. One class was closed and some classes in four schools provided distance learning.

A council spokesman said: These placements allow you to target where the incident occurs. We are confident in this targeted approach approved by the public health experts of the Gwynedd Conservation and Surveillance Group.

“By following this procedure, we can manage a cluster of cases and keep our students and the rest of Gwynedd safe from the effects of Covid-19.

“Although the numbers vary from day to day, one class in Gwynedd’s school was closed today (January 21) due to a shortage of staff, and four schools were temporarily distanced in some classes due to that number. You can report that you used. Of the confirmed cases. “


The Caerphilly Council reports that over 5% of staff were absent between January 17th and 20th.

Absence of staff:

  • January 17: Of these 108 cases, 127 were confirmed to be Covid cases and 19 were confirmed to be Covid-related or “other”.
  • January 18: Of these 115 cases, 133 were confirmed to be Covid cases and 18 were confirmed to be Covid-related or “other”.
  • January 19: Of these 111 cases, 137 were confirmed to be Covid cases and 26 were confirmed to be Covid-related or “other”.
  • January 20: Of these 106 cases, 129 were confirmed to be Covid cases and 23 were confirmed to be Covid-related or “other”.


A council spokesman said, “We will not share specific details about the absence of individual schools or staff, but positive cases related to school students and staff are local tests, traces and protections (TTPs). You can see that it is being processed by the team. “


The council said: No school was closed due to Covid and we continue to provide education. “


Glynog Davies, Education Minister of the Carmarthenshire County Council, said: In case of emergency.

“We continue to encourage all school staff and secondary school students to undergo regular lateral flow tests, and anyone with positive or Covid-19 symptoms is at home. People with symptoms should follow relevant guidelines to keep themselves and others safe. “

Welsh government responds

A spokeswoman for the Welsh government said:

“The decision to reduce Covid’s protection will be incorporated according to the latest data. The Minister of Education and Welsh will announce more next week.”

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