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COVID cases in China have more than tripled to the highest score in two years

COVID cases in China have more than tripled to the highest score in two years


Chinese authorities reported 1,807 new symptomatic COVID cases on Sunday. This is more than three times the number reported the day before and is the highest in the country in two years.

According to the National Health Commission of China, the northeastern part of Jilin Province accounted for 78% of the whole country. The national total easily exceeded the number on Saturday. This has already been a record of cases since the country first occurred in early 2020. A new blockade.

“”[The increase] In some areas facing the rapid expansion of the epidemic, the ability to expand medical resources has been shown to limit hospitalization for infections in centralized facilities in a short period of time. ” A provincial official told a news briefing on Sunday.

Beijing has ordered local governments to stick to a “dynamic clear” policy to bring virus cases closer to zero, taking steps such as canceling group events, starting mass testing, and canceling face-to-face lessons at school. I urged some local governments to take action.

People were lined up to be tested for COVID-19 in Changchun.
People were lined up to be tested for COVID-19 in Changchun.
Photo by ChiXiaowei / VCG via Getty Images

Local authorities and state media reports that the already closed state capital, Changchun, is conducting extensive tests to transform the Expo Center into a 1,500-bed temporary hospital.

The Southern Technology Hub in Shenzhen reported cases in 60 new areas where symptoms were confirmed on Saturday. This is the highest daily increase in such cases since China contained the first outbreak in early 2020.

All nine districts of Shenzhen will stop eating indoors, close indoor entertainment facilities, and work from home to businesses from March 14-18, except for mandatory sectors, where telecommuting is possible. I requested that you do.

Chinese authorities have reported 1,807 new symptomatic COVID cases. This is the highest number in two years.
Chinese authorities have reported 1,807 new symptomatic COVID cases. This is the highest number in two years.
Photo by King Jingxue / VCG via Getty Images

Six officials from local governments or Communist Party officials in southern Dongguan were removed from their role because they did a poor job in the prevention and control of COVID, state media said Sunday.

The current number of cases in China is much lower than in many other countries, but the increase in that number can complicate China’s desire to curb proliferation as soon as possible.

Country, Where the COVID occurredWe are adjusting the test system according to Spread of Omicron variantsAfter a healthcare professional in the last two years demanded that the general public be wiped with a nucleic acid test that requires a lab to process the sample.

Temporary hospital for COVID-19 patients at the Changchun International Conference Exhibition Center, March 12, 2022.
Temporary hospital for COVID-19 patients at the Changchun International Conference Exhibition Center, March 12, 2022.
Photo by Zhang Yao / China News Service via Getty Images

Health officials said they would allow the general public to buy such kits for the first time in stores or online, and approved the use of five COVID-19 antigen kits manufactured by a local company for self-testing on Saturday. did.

“To address how Omicron spreads, we need to facilitate models of antigen screening and nucleic acid testing, allowing the public to buy the tests themselves, which is useful for early detection. China’s Deputy Prime Minister Son Chunlan was quoted by the state Broadcasting Station CCTV announcing a government meeting on Saturday.

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