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Canada COVID: Experts say it’s not over yet

Canada COVID: Experts say it’s not over yet


If everyone you know feels infected with COVID-19, or if you know someone who tests more positively for the virus during a pandemic, you’re probably alone. Not.

The outbreak of the more contagious Omicron submutant BA.2 grab in Canada has led to a nationwide surge in cases and hospitalizations again. In addition, subvariants are widespread when most states withdraw COVID-19 restrictions, including mask obligations.

British Columbia reported the maximum number of active cases with more than 43,000 infections as of Tuesday, while both Ontario and Quebec reported more than 25,000 active cases.

However, Ontario officials say the number of cases is likely to increase tenfold due to limited testing.

Experts say daily COVID-19 data is lacking This is because some states and territories currently report cases only on a weekly basis.

According to doctors, what is worrisome is not only the increase in the number of cases, but also the increase in hospitalizations nationwide.

“I’m worried,” pediatrician Dr. Dina Klik told CTV National News. “Children are back in school. We aren’t masking most of the time, so we see an increase in viruses, including COVID.”

Ontario reported on Tuesday 1091 patients admitted with COVID-19-hospitalization increased by 38% over the last 7 days.

An additional 72 cases were added to the total number of hospitalizations in Quebec on Tuesday, and the state reported an additional 31 deaths. Quebec has also seen a surprising amount of medical care out of work due to the virus.

Given the growing numbers, the Quebec government has overturned the decision to dismiss the mask. State officials announced Tuesday that face masks will be installed in indoor public spaces until at least the end of April.

Dr. Christopher Labos, an epidemiologist at McGill University, told CTV: National news.

“So I think the inherent logic of keeping it in place was unavoidable.”

Prince Edward Island has also maintained masking requirements for the foreseeable future. Dr. Heather Morrison, Chief Medical Officer of Health, said Tuesday’s masks are more effective against the new coronavirus if there is a universal requirement to wear them.

“Masks are important,” she said. “The mask will be one of the last resorts to be unmasked.”

Ontario released the mask mission in mid-March. Ontario Prime Minister Doug Ford called it a “slight surge” on Monday, expected to increase the number of incidents in the state.

However, some health authorities, including top Toronto doctors, are encouraging residents to return to wearing masks in public indoor environments.

“Wearing a mask is an easy thing we all can do, especially if you are an elderly person, have an elderly person, are in serious health, or are simply indoors with someone you don’t know. That’s the case, “said the Toronto Medical Officer. Irene de Villa said on Monday.

Meanwhile, New Brunswick doctors are asking the state government to resume using masks in schools for the rest of the school year.

As parts of the country enter the sixth wave of the pandemic, the National Advisory Board on Immunization (NACI) recommends that the state prepare to provide a fourth dose of the COVID-19 vaccine. ..

In a report published on TuesdayThe Advisory Board said that additional immunity programs in the coming weeks should prioritize people and caregivers over the age of 80.

NACI also strongly recommends a second booster for people between the ages of 70 and 79, and said it could be offered to people in the First Nations, Metis, and Inuit communities.

Nonetheless, Ontario is preparing to deploy a fourth dose to a younger population, residents over the age of 60.

At the Ontario Legislature, the Ontario Health Minister said details will be announced on Wednesday.

“Our medical advisor recommends turning 60 to provide additional levels of protection to Ontario residents,” said Christine Elliott.




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