Borer Memory Care Residents Make Dog Snacks
The number of people with Alzheimer’s disease and dementia is increasing in the United States.according to Alzheimer’s AssociationThe number of Americans living with Alzheimer’s disease and other memory loss is projected to increase from 5 million in 2016 to 16 million in 2050.
Nearly 18% of that growth is here in New York.
Facilities such as Loretto’s Borer Memory Care Facility in Jamesville provide residents with activities to help people with dementia lead a healthier life.
Agnes Ray, 94, moved to Loretto’s Borer Memory Care facility in January. Her dog Fritz is her companion and she says she can’t live without him.
“He’s a joy, and he loves my whole family and I don’t know what to do without him,” Ray said.
Agnes, who deals with memory loss, loves dogs. She has recently been guided by staff to work in the kitchen of a memory care facility, along with other residents of a Loretto-based facility.
The mission of the day was to bake a treat for dogs in need of a home. Currently staying at Helping Hounds Dog Rescue.
From mixing pumpkin and peanut butter to flour and eggs, the group enjoyed a lot while maintaining their engagement. Studies have shown that baking can stimulate brain activity and provide treatment for people with dementia.
“It’s not normal, they regain a lot of friendliness when they were young, and regain all those memories of these wonderful times when they engaged in kitchens, etc.,” said Shannon, Director of Life Enrichment, Borer Memory Care Facility. Laughlin said.
Studies show that baking can stimulate brain activity and provide treatment for people with dementia.
After mixing the ingredients and using the dog bone clippings, the treat was placed in the oven. A few hours later, the dog was brought in for a visit. Of course, it wasn’t just the residents who were happy.
“That’s great for dogs. For example, this dog came from Mississippi as a lost child on Saturday, so I only have a dog for 5 days. The dog needs to be sociable, so it’s a gift to invite here. “Helping Hounds Dog Rescue Volunteer Hetty said. Gingold.
This socialization quickly creates a positive environment for both home-seeking dogs and these residents. She has her own dog, but people like Agnes Ray always enjoy these days.
“I felt good, I felt good. I’ve never done it before,” Ray said.
It was a unique experience for those who will surely have a brighter day in the future.
According to the Bright Focus Foundation, the presence of pets helps mitigate the effects of dementia such as anxiety, agitation, irritability, depression and loneliness.
Pets can help dementia patients become more interactive when they are unable to do so in a social environment with other adults in a friendly and non-threatening way.
As detailed in a 2017 article published by Alzheimer’s News Today, service dogs can help people suffering from dementia. They can teach hundreds of small jobs that can make a big difference to patients with dementia and Alzheimer’s disease, give them some autonomy, and allow them to get more out of life, You can remove some of the burden from the caregiver.
according to Alzlive.comTraining to become a dementia-supporting dog is not an easy task, and young dogs require a certain kind of temperament. Therapy dogs tend to be one of the few breeds of dogs, including Labradors, Golden Retrievers, German Shepherds, and Collies.
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