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Irish man loses his memory 10 minutes after having sex with his wife: Report

Irish man loses his memory 10 minutes after having sex with his wife: Report


Irish man loses his memory 10 minutes after having sex with his wife: Report

Such rare conditions usually affect people between the ages of 50 and 70. (representative)

Limerick, Ireland:

In a strange incident, a 66-year-old Irish man was taken to the hospital with short-term memory loss after having sex with his wife.

Abnormal cases were analyzed in the May issue of the Irish Medical Journal published Wednesday, and doctors explained that gender was the trigger for short-term amnesia (formally known as transient global amnesia (TGA)). did.

The Mayo Clinic defines TGA as “an episode of sudden transient global amnesia that is not caused by more common neuropathy such as epilepsy or stroke.”

For this Irish, the medical journal reported that he lost his short-term memory within 10 minutes of sexual intercourse.

After their sexual intercourse, the man noticed the date on his cell phone and he “suddenly suffered from forgetting his wedding anniversary the day before.” The man was celebrating a special day the night before, but had no clue about it.

According to the journal, “he repeatedly asked his wife and daughter about what happened that morning and the day before.”

Such rare conditions usually affect people between the ages of 50 and 70 and have the ability to “just disappear” from recent events. Some people who are experiencing TGA may not remember what happened a year ago. Affected people usually regain their memory within a few hours.

In this case, the subject’s long-term memory was not compromised and was able to provide his name, age, and other basic background information.

The man had previously experienced TGA in 2015, but the incident also occurred shortly after sex. Thankfully, he later regained his short-term memory.

Realizing that he may be suffering from another TGA episode, the man went to a local emergency room. There he was found by neurological examination to be “completely normal”. After a while, his memory returned.

The author of an article in the Irish Medical Journal, who works in the Department of Neurology at University Hospital Limerick, said that up to 10 percent of people with TGA have another episode. The authors added that “TGA precipitation is associated with several activities such as physical activity, immersion in cold or hot water, mental stress, pain, and sexual intercourse.”

Regarding the 2009 TGA, one expert said, “Stimulation and deprivation are not enough to permanently damage the brain. The brain recovers. There is no shortage other than memory and it needs to be short.” I am saying.

The incident is horrifying to the affected people and their loved ones, but the TGA is not considered so serious.

(Except for the headline, this story has not been edited by NDTV staff and is published from the Syndicate Feed.)




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