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You probably don’t use sunscreen as much as you think

You probably don’t use sunscreen as much as you think


The father applies sunscreen to the child.Share on Pinterest
Although many people say sunscreen is important, according to new research, misunderstandings about sunburn and exposure to sunlight are still very common.Kelly Knox / Stock Sea
  • Skin cancer is a very common but preventable cancer.
  • But new research shows that many do not do a very good job of protecting themselves. As they think.
  • Misunderstandings about sunburn are still quite common In the same way.
  • Experts say it’s important to protect the skin to prevent cancer and premature aging.

Statistics from American Dermatology Society (AAD) indicates that skin cancer is the most common cancer in the United States.

In fact, it is estimated that 20 percent of Americans will develop skin cancer at some point in their lives.

They further state that about 9,500 people are diagnosed with this type of cancer each day.

The Centers for Disease Control and Prevention The (CDC) explains that skin cancer is caused by ultraviolet light (UV) from the sun, sun lamps, or tanning beds.

Ultraviolet rays can damage the skin, often in the form of sunburn. Over time, as damage accumulates, people can experience premature aging and develop skin cancer.

It can also lead to CataractA condition where the field of vision may be cloudy and blurry.

However, new Investigation It has just been released by AAD, revealing that many Americans are still confused about the risks associated with sunburn.

One of the key findings of the survey is that people think they are doing a much better job of protecting themselves than they really are.

When AAD surveyed more than 1,000 American adults, survey participants gave high marks to sunscreens and most often stated that they were more important to them than they were five years ago.

62% of respondents rated sunscreen as “excellent” in 2021.

63% said they were tanned. This is an increase of 9 percentage points from 2020.

In addition, one-third of the respondents said they had a sunburn. This is an increase of 8 percentage points from 2020.

but, dr Mark D. KaufmanThe president of AAD said that if you have a tan, you are not doing a good job of protecting yourself.

“There is no such thing as a safe tan,” he explained. “Every time you get sunburned or burned, it also damages your skin’s DNA.”

Investigation also found some misunderstandings and problems regarding the use of proper sunscreen.

67% of those surveyed mistakenly believed that SPF30 sunscreen would provide twice as much protection as SPF15.

actually, SPF (Sun protection factor) is not linear. SPF 15 blocks 93% of UV rays and SPF 30 blocks 97%. This provides only 4% better protection.

Also, 43% said they didn’t know that shade could be protected from UV rays.

In addition, 65% said they tend to forget to reapply sunscreen.

Dr. Elizabeth Bahar HaushmandA board-certified dermatologist said there are some myths about sunburn.

First of all, there is a belief that you need a sunburn to get vitamin D.

Houshmand says there is no reason to be at risk of skin cancer or accelerated aging to get enough vitamin D.

“Proper vitamin D levels can be achieved with proper diet and supplements without harming the skin,” she explained.

Houshmand also discussed the common misconception that dark-skinned people do not need sunscreen.

“People with dark skin can still develop skin cancer and experience photoaging (premature aging of the skin caused by repeated exposure to sunlight),” Houshmand said. “Sunburn, with all skin colors, indicates damage to your skin, which leads to skin cancer and aging.”

Houshmand further stated that many believe that only UVB rays are harmful. Although UVB is a type associated with sunburn and skin cancer, she explained that UVA is also harmful in that it is associated with aging and wrinkles.

Finally, she quoted the Skin Cancer Foundation statistics and considered the idea that it is safe to tan in a tan bed.

“Using the tanning bed more than 10 times increases the risk of melanoma by 34%,” she said. “People who use a tanning bed before the age of 35 have a 75% increased risk.”

Dr. Lawrence J. GreenBoard-certified dermatologists and dermatologists at George Washington University School of Medicine recommend wearing clothing and hats as much as possible and using wide-spectrum SPF 30 or higher sunscreens on exposed skin. increase.

“If you’re in the water for a while or if you’re sweating, reapply every few hours,” says Green. “Keep under the parasol as much as possible and avoid direct sunlight.”

Green also suggests using a cream or lotion sunscreen instead of a spray.

“When you use a spray, much of it goes into the air, not the skin,” he explained. “Therefore, the protection is weaker than I expected.”

Also, if not completely rubbed, the protection can be uneven.

Dr. Susan MasicA board-certified dermatologist at The Ohio State University Wexner Medical Center states that avoiding sunlight is the best way to protect yourself, especially between 10 am and 3 pm.

But she added, “Sunscreen is an easy, convenient and effective way to protect your skin from the sun.”

She recommends applying them 20 minutes before you go out for best results.

“Apply a generous amount of one or two ping-pong balls to the sun, don’t be stingy,” she said. “Remember sensitive areas such as the face, ears, back of the neck, insteps, and hard-to-reach areas such as the back.”

She also recommends buying seasonal sunscreens as they will expire.

Massick also points out UPF (ultraviolet protection factor) clothing and rash guard swimwear as a good way to protect yourself.

UPF 50 According to the Skin Cancer Foundation, clothing can block 98 percent of the sun’s harmful radiation.

Finally, she recommends wearing a full-cover hat and investing in high-quality sunglasses protected by UVA and UVB.




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