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Coronavirus makes cells grow tentacles, revealing new research


The following is a brief summary of some of the latest scientific research on the new coronavirus and efforts to find cures and vaccines for the virus-caused disease, Covid-19.

“Tentacles” of hijacked cells may help coronavirus spread

When a virus infects a cell, it hijacks an enzyme called a kinase that controls the function of the cell. A new study identified 49 kinases that have been hijacked by the new coronavirus. It contains what is called CK2, which produces hair-like tentacles called filopodia, with viral particles protruding from the cells inside.

The researchers leading the study published in Cell on Sunday believe that this may help coronaviruses infect other cells.

San Francisco told Reuters, “Kinase is one of the most addictive groups of proteins in our cells,” said University of California co-worker Nevan Crogan.

The team has identified five potentially promising drugs that are already in use or tested against malfunctioning kinases in other diseases. One of them-Cirmitaxertib-targets CK2.

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“We think the drug works by stopping the formation of filopodia, and we’re currently testing it in the lab,” Krogan said.

Marco Vinutzi, co-author of the Pasteur Institute in Paris, told Reuters that CK2 appears to be involved in the tentacles, so using a kinase inhibitor that targets CK2 reduces or inhibits its formation. There is a possibility that “If the virus uses this to spread from cell to cell, the spread of the virus will be reduced.”

Covid-19 outcomes do not worsen in HIV-infected individuals

According to a New York City study, people with HIV infection may not face above-average risk of poor Covid-19 results. One large healthcare system doctor found that 88 patients with in-hospitalized Covid-19 with well-controlled HIV and 405 patients without HIV with similar Covid-19 severity on admission. I compared. Researchers reported Sunday with clinical infections Sunday that the adverse outcomes of Covid-19 patients hospitalized with HIV were “frequently but similar” to those of patients without HIV. There is.

Eighteen percent of people with HIV needed ventilators and 21 percent died, compared with 23 percent and 20 percent of those without the virus that causes AIDS. Researchers say these findings need to be validated in other large populations.

Social separation by healthy young adults may reduce the severity of infection

Studies of young soldiers suggest that the benefits of social distance during a pandemic may extend beyond high-risk individuals. When the Swiss army put social distances, mask wear, and hygiene rules into effect at a base where no one had been diagnosed with Covid-19, not only was the subsequent spread of the virus limited, but also infected soldiers. No such Covid-19 manifestations.

At the base, 354 soldiers shared the same barracks, and 154 soldiers were housed approximately 3 kilometers apart.

On March 11, the first Covid-19 diagnosis was performed in the joint barracks. According to a Sunday report on clinical infections, nine days later, “both units were placed under quarantine and hygiene measures were strictly enforced,” it was reported on Sunday.

By day 54, 29% of the soldiers in the shared barracks had a positive coronavirus test and Covid-19 symptoms. In the other barracks, 13 (8%) had the virus in their nasal passages and none of the soldiers developed symptoms, despite the finding of antibodies to the virus in their blood.

As a result, among healthy youth, hygiene and mask-enhanced social separation measures not only slow down coronavirus infections, but may also reduce the incidence of symptomatic patients in infected patients. The researchers say.

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T cells play a key role in fighting the virus in the most ill Covid-19 patients

A Dutch study of 10 patients with severe Covid-19 found that when admitted to an intensive care unit, most patients already had T cells that recognized and targeted the coronavirus. It was The findings may add to the information about the role of T cells-T cells-a key element of the immune system in the fight against disease and of vaccines that induce the body to produce these cells. It helps inform development.

The study, led by Alessandro Sette of the La Jolla Immunology Institute in California and Lori de Breeze of Erasmus MC in Rotterdam, showed that patients’ T-cell levels generally increased over time, along with levels of antibodies that could neutralize the virus. I found that the load decreased.

In addition, two uninfected volunteers also recognized the virus and had T cells that responded to it in vitro. This shows that T cells produced by the body in response to a previous infection with the common cold coronavirus may also respond to this new virus.

The findings are consistent with a recent study of American patients with moderate Covid-19. In both studies, immune cells targeted the “spike” protein used by the virus to enter the cell, but a new study found that T cells also responded strongly to other viral targets. Reported on Science Immunology on Friday.

According to a news release from the La Jolla Institute for Immunology, the new study that spike proteins are promising targets provides further evidence and suggests new ways to potentially increase vaccine efficacy.


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