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SCUBE3 molecule may cause hair loss to grow again

SCUBE3 molecule may cause hair loss to grow again


Researchers have discovered that a molecule called SCUBE3 strongly stimulates hair growth.

It may provide a therapeutic treatment for androgenetic alopecia, a common form of hair loss in both women and men.

Research Developing cells The papillary dermal papilla cells (special signaling fibroblasts at the bottom of each hair follicle) have determined the exact mechanism by which new growth is promoted. It is well known that dermal papilla cells play a vital role in controlling hair growth, but the genetic basis of the activating molecules involved is not well understood.

“There is a strong demand for new and effective epilators …”

“At different times of hair Follicle During the life cycle, the exact same papillary cells can signal to keep the hair follicles dormant or trigger new hair growth, “said the corresponding author, Professor of Development and Cell Biology, Maksim Plikus. Says.

“The naturally occurring SCUBE3 signaling molecule in the papillary dermal papilla is a messenger used to’tell’to adjacent hair stem cells to initiate division, revealing that it signals the start of new hair growth. did. “

The production of activated molecules by papillary dermal cells is important for efficient hair growth in mice and humans. In people with androgenetic alopecia, papillary dermal cells become dysfunctional, usually with a significant reduction in abundant activating molecules. For this study, researchers have developed a mouse model with overactivated papillary cells and excess hair. This facilitates more discoveries regarding hair growth regulation.

“By studying this mouse model, we were able to identify SCUBE3 as a previously unknown signaling molecule that may promote excessive hair growth,” said development and cell biology. Yingzi Liu, a postdoctoral researcher and co-lead author of the book, said.

Further testing verified that SCUBE3 activates human hair growth Follicle.. Researchers microinjected SCUBE3 into the skin of mice transplanted with human scalp hair follicles, causing new growth in both dormant human and surrounding mouse hair follicles.

“These experiments provide proof of the principle that SCUBE3 or a derivative molecule can be a promising treatment for hair loss,” said Christian guerrellojuares, a postdoctoral researcher in mathematics and co-lead author. increase.

Currently, there are two drugs on the market, finasteride and minoxidil, which are approved by the Food and Drug Administration as androgenetic alopecia. Finasteride is only approved for use in men. Both medications are not universally effective and should be taken daily to maintain their clinical efficacy.

“There is a strong need for new and effective epilators, and the naturally occurring compounds commonly used by dermal papilla cells are ideal next-generation candidates for treatment,” says Precus. “Our testing on a human hair transplant model validates the preclinical potential of SCUBE3.”

The University of California, Irvine has filed a provisional patent application for the use of SCUBE3 and related molecular compounds for hair growth stimulation. Further research will be conducted at Plikus Labs and Amplifica Holdings Group Inc., a biotechnology company co-founded by Plikus.

The work was funded by the LEO Foundation. Chan Zuckerberg Initiative. WM Keck Foundation; National Science Foundation; National Institute of Health; Simons Foundation; China National Science Foundation; NNSFC’s Key Research Program Training Program. Ministry of Science and Technology of Taiwan.

sauce: University of California, Irvine




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